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Olivia stood there as George had a hushed conversation with a rather spotty looking mandrake not really paying attention instead she stared off into the distance where she could see Gilderoy Lockhart and Hagrid having a conversation the latter seeming rather annoyed by the pompous man's presence. 

"To the kitchens," George said with a flourish of his hand making the girl smile fondly at him lacing her hand through his and walking back to the castle pointing out Hagrid and Lockhart.
The pair walked slowly swinging their hands doing their best impressions of the conversion they could see until Liv shot out a snort of laughter clasping her hands to her mouth a tear leaking out of her smiling face.
"God you're adorable," George told her pulling her close to her and pushing her through the large doors making her trip.
"Come on clumsy" she said with a cheeky grin,
"I hate you" she replied with a shake of her head unable to hide her smile.
"No you don't you love me" he smirked.
"You wish."
The L-word sent a funny feeling through her tummy, it was too early for that. She didn't love him, did she?

"Hello Effie "
George greeted after tickling the portrait of the fruit outside.
"Could I get some hot sauce please?" He asked politely. The surrounding house-elves smiled happily.
"Oh good" she heard one of them say.
When they were out of the kitchens Olivia turned to George. "Am I being really dim? Why are we excited about Hot Sauce?"
"Well," he started slipping his arm around her waist and pulling her in close. "We're helping the mandrakes throw a party." He whispered into her ear with a mischievous grin.
"I don't know, I think it's like fire whiskey to them." He added seeing the girls confused look. "But it does mean that they're getting older

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