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dude, I have 40 reads that's mad, did you all come from my TikTok??

Also Blobfish I see you and I love you <33 

When Olivia woke up she felt as if she had been whacked over the head repeatedly with a bludgers bat. She sat up letting out a groan earning an evil look from Alicia, "Shhh" the girl hissed at her clutching her head.

"Morning Ladies," came Hermione Granger's cheery voice. "Thought you could do with these," she said handing out glasses of water and a small vial of potion. "It will help" she added after seeing Angelina look like the thought of drinking it made her want to puke.

Half an hour later the girls were sprawled out in the common room the potion getting rid of their hangovers but not how tired they felt.

"Right," Katie said sitting up and shuffling over, "Angelina what the hell happened last night?" She demanded with a grin a red tinge covering the girl's dark face.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," she said looking away with a giggle.

"You can't play coy after kissing him in the middle of the common room!" Katie scolded her taking her hand. "Soooo tell us. What happened after you left with him?"

The four girls huddled onto the sofa under blankets listening to Angelina, "well we went up to the Astronomy tower and talked, we watched the stars and kissed a bit." Her grin could be seen from miles away.

"Oohhh someone's in love" Olivia called in a singsong voice as they all giggled.

"What was it like?" Alicia asked, causing them all to giggle even more.

"Good." The girl replied laughing and blushing before they could pester the poor girl for more details there was a scuffle from the boy's stairway and the twins fell out of the doorway accompanied by Lee Jordan.

"Talking about me, are we ladies?" Fred asked with a smirk strutting up to the girls.

"In your dreams, Weasley" Angelica replied with a wink regaining her cool attitude while the girls around her continued to shake with laughter.

Deciding that the lot of them couldn't lounge around all day they dragged themselves downstairs to the Great Hall for some food. The seven of them walked in a comfortable silence still not feeling their best, they collapsed into their seats at the Gryffindor Table.

"I don't remember the Hall being so far away," Lee muttered which was met with murmurs of agreement.

The group tucked into their food, eating as if they'd been starved for weeks, every now and then someone would come and compliment the boys on such a good party but none of them looked their best.

"Potatoes," Olivia said offering them to Fred.

"Oh no Olivia, I'm not taking anything from you. See I'm not as dumb as my dear brother here." A flash of confusion covered the girls face before she remembered the events of last night.

"That's right I got you." She said with glee pointing at George. "I forgot that I pranked you, I don't really remember last night." For a fleeting second, Georges expression changed at the latter statement but was quickly hidden with a smile. The others looked at them confused, so Liv launched into her explanation of how she managed to prank the boy.

The news that George Weasley one part of the infamous pranking duo got pranked travelled fast. Throughout the next week, Olivia felt eyes on her wherever she went. She was getting a reputation, and she was surprisingly okay with it.

Monday morning came round faster than any of them would have wished for, and Monday meant double potions with the Slytherins something that had the entirety of the fourth year Gryffindor's in a bad mood as they sat down for breakfast.

Olivia who was determined to just take a fever fudge and go see Madame Pomfrey had to practically be dragged to potions.

"You're not leaving me alone in there", Alicia had told her as she pulled her with the rest of their group down to the dungeons.

The first hour went by mostly without a glitch, the Twins lost some house points for answering to the wrong names and swapping seats but it wasn't anything entertaining enough to break them out of the slow trudge that was double potions. Since she first started at Hogwarts over a month ago Olivia's grades had now drastically improved, she'd spent some time studying with Hermione and it turns out her mother was a brilliant teacher. Every now and then they'd come across a spell she'd never heard before but aside from that, she was ahead of most of her classmates having in-depth knowledge on the more difficult aspects of magic as this is what her Mother thought important. As a result of this Olivia had finished her Beautification Potion with lots of time to spare, she was leaning back on her stool twiddling with her wand and daydreaming.

This however was quickly interrupted by Snapes greasy drawl. "Done so early Pugh"

"Yes Professor" she replied pushing the cauldron over to him. He looked down with a smug grin,

"Well then, I guess there's only one way to find out if it works. Drink some." He said aggressively making the rest of the class stop what they were doing and peer over.

Although Olivia was confident in her potion-making abilities, she did know that if she was too consume a potion that wasn't perfect the side effects could be incredibly dangerous. Her friends went to protest but Snapes condescending glare did something to the girl. He made her so angry, her logical side replaced with the thirst to prove she wasn't a stupid child like she used to be. Without fully thinking of the consequences she took a ladle and swallowed it.

The beautification potion makes someone more attractive for a short period of time, Olivia stood there the warm feeling sweeping over her body looking down to see if she could see any drastic changes.

"Oh god, it didn't work" George Weasley muttered to himself. But much to his and Olivia's confusion Snape glowered at her and walked away. The entire classes eyes were on Olivia as she sat down head buried in her book unsure of what was going on.

"I know a spell to dye your hair that colour if you want me too," Alicia said to her taking a handful of her hair, the confused look on Olivia's face made her expand. "Blonde, I'll help you make your hair blonde; we can do it the muggle way if you'd like." Olivia politely declined unsure of what was happening.

She leant back on the stool deep in thought. It took her a while, but she realised what might be going on, what if beautification worked like amortentia, maybe Alicia viewed her as Alicia's idea of beauty. Making a mental note to ask Hermione she waited patiently for the bell to ring there were only five more minutes left until lunch and then the fourth years had a free period.

"You could do with taking some potion every day." Snape snarled at her, "That or at least brush your hair."

Before she had a chance to respond the bell rang which was probably a good thing as Olivias friends had erupted into some rather foul insults.

"How dare you" I heard from Angelina,

"She's beautiful you toad" from George which she chose to ignore.

Alicia the only one to keep her head on her shoulders herded her friends out of the room but didn't manage to move Olivia.

"Wash your hair Snivellus" she spat using the name that she knew had tormented him throughout his teenage year.

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