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"But how can i get pregnant? I'm a boy."

"Gender doesn't matter. But the percentage of a guy getting pregnant is very low and I'm pretty sure you're part of that percentage." Felix told me.

"W-well we can't be right for sure. I have to take a pregnancy test. I need to know if it's true." I said panicking.

"Changbin. Have you ever had sex?" Felix asked me making my eyes widen. I have! With my ex!

"F-felix i have. No! No! It can't be. I don't want him as a father of my child if I am pregnant!" He can't be. I can't accept that.

"Changbin. Changbin. Calm down. Now tell me who is it. You never told me you had a boyfriend." That's true. I never told felix I had a boyfriend because he was always overprotective of me.

"I-i did have a boyfriend and he plays for KQ. I never told you because you were always overprotective. But we had sex and didn't use a condom. I didn't think i could get pregnant. What am i gonna do Felix!?" At this point i was already crying.

"Changbin I understand why you didn't tell me but look what it led to. You're probably pregnant. Let's tell coach if we can leave early and get a pregnancy test. Ok?" I nodded my head.

"Coach can we leave early. Changbin is feeling really sick."

"Sure. Changbin get well!" We bowed a little and left.

Felix drove me to a store and parked.

"I'll go get the test. Stay here. If you need to throw up, open the door and do it on the ground." I nodded my head and he left.

I was waiting patiently and then 3 minutes later he arrived. "That was fast."

"Yea. I didn't want to make you wait. Let's go to your house and you can take the test there."

Felix drove to my house and I noticed my parents car there. Oh no. What are my parents gonna think if I'm pregnant.

"We're here. Come on let's go." We got off and headed to my door. Felix rang the doorbell and my mom opened the door.

"Hey felix! Hey binnie! Why are you guys back so early?"

"Changbin was feeling sick so he asked me if i could hand out with him. He said it would make him feel better."

My mom nodded her head and let us in. Felix grabbed my hand and led me to my room. We entered my bathroom and he pulled out the pregnancy test.

"Time to find out." I was hoping i won't be pregnant. Especially with my ex's baby.

He took out the test and handed it to me. I pee on it and wait a while for it.

There was two lines.

"I'm pregnant!"



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