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I was currently at basketball practice already getting warmed up.

"Ok guys we have a big game coming up tomorrow. We need to try our hardest because this school is our biggest enemy." Coach Manoban said.

"Ugh i hate KQ. They're cheaters." Felix said.

"I know. And don't even get me started with Yeosang. He's the worst. Always hits me when no on is looking. He might look an angel, but he's a devil." Seungmin said.

"Hey changbin isn't your ex-boyfriend in KQ?" Jisung asked me and i nodded my head. My ex's name is Minho and we broke up because I caught him cheating. I still hate him.

"Ok guys we are gonna run 5 laps around the court and when you're done, start stretching your arms and legs. Stretching yourself can make you tall enough to reach the net. You be tall like me." Coach Manoban said.

We all nodded and started running. While I was in my third lap, I felt the urge of throwing up. I ran away from the court and went towards a trash can. I threw up feeling sick to my stomach.

My friend felix came and patted me behind my back. "Let it all out." I kept throwing up and thought about my past days to try and find out what happened to me.

Monday- playing video games

Tuesday- going to the park with jisung

Wednesday- watching a movie with my parents

Thursday- practice rapping

Today- basketball practice

I haven't done anything that would cause me to throw up. What could it be?

"Changbin are you ok? What happened?" I heard felix ask me.

"I-i don't know. I haven't done anything unusual. What's wrong with me?"

"Well i heard that when you throw up and you haven't done anything bad is probably because you're... Pregnant?"




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