Come quick!

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I carefully walked through the water and grabbed my phone from the couch.

I quickly dialed minho number.

"Yea baby?"

"Minho come quick!" I said in a panicking voice.

"Babe what happened!?"

"Minho my water broke!"

"Oh shit baby I'm going." I started panting really loud because of scared i was. Please hurry Minho.

Sop enough, minho came bursting through the door.

"Baby are you ok!?" He came running towards me.

"Kind of." I said and he carried me. What the? Since when was he strong?

He led me to the car and placed me in the back. He drove quickly until we arrived at the hospital.

Once he parked, i opened my door to step out (step out!) of the car but minho gave me a hand gesture to wait.

He grabbed my hand to stand up and led me inside the hospital. The only time he let go was when he slammed him hands on the front desk.

"I ned doctors now!" The front desk lady hot startled.

"Sir please wait patiently."

"I can't wait. My boyfriend broke his water and he needs doctors now!" The front lady's eyes widened and quickly called for doctors.

Soon, a total of 4 doctors came and took me to a room leaving minho alone.

This was gonna be painful.

°^2 hours later^°

I woke up and looked around my surroundings checking where i was and then i saw minho.

"Oh my god you're ok! Thank goodness!" He came up to me and hugged me.

"Where's the baby?" I asked worried.

"The doctors took him. They said they would bring him in a while. But how are you feeling?"

"I feel so tired but relieved at the same time."

"Hm. I'm glad you're ok." Minho smiled and then soon the door opened.

It was a doctor with my baby.

"Here you go mister Seo." She handed me my baby and then headed out.

"Look minho! She's so pretty!"

"She is! I thought it would be a boy but a girl is also really good!" Minho exclaimed.

"Hello minbin! It's your mommy, well daddy but both works." Changbin laughed.

"Wait you named her already?" Minho asked me confused.

"Yea. I wanted to surprise you. Do you not like it? I named her after our ship name."

"No. No. I love it!"

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"So how long do you have to stay here?"

"They for about a week or so? I don't know."

"Well hopefully you get some rest. Here give me the baby so you could sleep."

"Thank you baby. I'll see you soon."

"Bye babe. See you!"

Minho left and i soon fell asleep.



450 words

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