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I quickly look away because i don't want to look perverted.

"You can look you now?" Shit. Did i get caught? I try to play it normal and look at him again. Gosh! He has such a nice body!

"Huh? Yea i know I was just um i-i had to sneeze." I said. Completely lying.

"You wanna sleep? We do have school tomorrow." He asked me.

"Uh sure." We laid in bed and felix took out his phone. I was laying there feeling bored.

"Um hey changbin?" I heard felix suddenly talk.


"Isn't this minho?" He showed me his phone and it was a picture of minho and a girl kissing. The caption read 'Best one' Does he mean that he was just playing with me? And that the girl was the best one he has ever dated?

"F-felix. I trusted him! I knew it was too good to be true!" I exclaimed and hugged him.

"It's alright changbin. Is there anything i can do?"

I nodded my head. "Can you kiss me?"

He seemed shocked. "Why? Do you feel unconfident?"

"No. I want you to kiss me. Like a lover's kiss. I really need it. I want to forget about him."

"A-are you sure?" I nodded my head.

"Ok." He said and leaned in to my lips. Then he closed the gap. It was just a little kiss but i deepened it more. I put my hands around his neck. He grabbed my waist and placed me on his lap.

Felix inserted his tongue inside my mouth and explored it. I moaned into the kiss and then pulled away.

"L-let's go to sleep." He nodded his head in approval and laid on our own sides. My heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest. And my face was about to explode of hot red it was.

I can't believe I just made out with my best friend.



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