Go back

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°^8 years later^°

"Minbin baby can you please come help clean the living room." Changbin told his daughter.

"But mommy I don't want to." Minbin whined and pouted.

"Oh really? Not even if Jilix comes over?" Changbin asked making his daughter blush.

Minbin actually liked Jilix, felix's daughter.

"Felix is gonna come over with his husband jisung and his daughter. Are you sure you still don't want to clean?"

"No! I'll clean." Minbin exclaimed and started picking up trash from the floor. When she was done, she changed into good clothes and headed downstairs.

"I knew she liked her." Minho said back hugging.

"Yea. Her blush gives everything away." Changbin giggled.

Then a knock was heard on the door. Changbin quickly hurried over and opened the door.

"Hey felix!" Changbin said and hugged him.

"Hey changbin!"

"Please come in. Hey jilix! My daughter is over there in the living room." Jilix smiled and headed to minbin.

Minbin saw her and started blushing.

"Hi minbin!" Jilix smiled and hugged minbin.

"H-hi jilix." Minbin shyly said.

"Come on let's go to your room." Jilix held minbin's hand and led her to the room.

"Jilix likes minbin." Felix blurted out.

Changbin laughed. "Minbin like jilix."

"R-really?" Jisung asked surprised.

"Yea." Minho answered for changbin.

"Babe how about you talk with jisung and I'll talk with felix?" Changbin asked making minho nod his head. Jisung and minho became good friends through out the years which made changbin and felix happy.

Felix and changbin went to the living room, while minho and jisung went to the kitchen.

"So how have things been?" Felix asked.

"Felix you say it like we haven't seen each other in 2 years. We literally saw each other 2 days ago."

"Jeez. I was just trying to make a conversation."

"Haha. Sorry. Things have been really good how about you?"

"Also good. I actually never imagined myself getting pregnant. Jisung used protection all the time we did it but then he didn't which led to me having jilix."

"I didn't know you could get pregnant either." Changbin said.

"Oh hey babe. We have to leave. We have that important event." Jisung said.

"But babe, jilix will be sad if we leave now."

"She could sleep here today if you want? She could be with minbin." Changbin suggested.

"Really? Thank you so much. Come one babe let's go." Felix said and stood up from the couch. Soon both of them left leaving changbin and minho alone.

"I hope they'll be happy when they grow up." Minho said referring to jixil and minbin.

"Me too. Come on let's go to our room." Changbin said and they both went to the room.

They laid down cuddling next to each other.

"Minho i love you." Changbin said out random.

"I love you too babe." Minho said and kissed changbin.

"I'm happy we're together and have a child. We're a complete family." Changbin smiled and giggled.

"Yup. I'm happy to be with you and our daughter." Minho said.

"I love you so much and will never stop loving you!" Changbin said happily.

"I'll never stop loving you either." Minho smiled.



This was the end of Go Back 😭🤧

I'm really bad at endings😅

Hope you enjoyed the story!

Luv u grapes 💖🍇

555 words

Go back~(minbin)Where stories live. Discover now