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He looked at me shocked. "What was that for!?" He asked, hand on his cheek.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? Are you actually trying to kill your own child!? Why would you do that?!"

"Stop saying it's my child! It's not."

"Oh really? You're the only person I've had sex with you stupid bitch. Who else would it be?"

"B-but it can't be."

"Well it is. Make up your mind. Either you get back with me and care for our OR decline my request and NEVER see our child. You have until we see each other again. And actually think about it. Goodbye. AND better luck next time. But i doubt you'll win next game." I said before leaving the restroom.

"Hey everything alright? You took a little long." Felix asks me.

"Yea sorry. Come on let's go."

"Is there anything you want to tell me? You seem a little happy."

"I'll tell you. But not here. Let's go somewhere. My house?"

"Yea. Let's go."

°^Time skip to changbin's house^°

"You told him all that? And even slapped him?" Felix asks.

"Yea. I had to tell him sooner or later. And he deserved that. What if something happened to my baby? I would have never forgave him."

"Are you like bipolar or something?" He asks me.

"Why would you ask that?"

"Because before the game you were all sad with him and after the game you became all angry."

"Well it's not being bipolar. If he wouldn't have pushed me i would have still been sad but he pissed me off so yea."

"I guess. It's getting pretty late. You want to sleep already?" I asked him.

"Yea sure. Have any clothes i could borrow?"

"Yea." I went to my drawer and got some gray joggers and a black t-shirt.

"Thanks. I'll go change now." He said and went to change. I look for some clothes. I got some shorts and a hoodie.

I laid in bed and waited for Felix.
(That sounded weird 😶-)

I hear him enter and i gotta admit felix looks hot. I've actually never seen him in joggers.

He lays down next to and asks, "Can i hug you?"

"Felix you're my best friend. Of course you can hug me." I was thinking he was gonna make me stand up and hug him but he faced my side, grabbed my waist and hugged me from the back. Pushing me close to him. I could literally feel his dick. I shouldn't have gave him joggers. I put my hands on my face to hide my blush.

"You alright changbin?" I heard him ask in my ear. I nod my head.

"Y-yea. Why?"

"Just wondering." He said and pulled me closer. I bit back a little moan that was about to come out of my mouth. I can't be thinking of my best friend like this.

"Let's go to sleep already ok?" He asks me. I nod my head fast and he finally let's go of my waist. And faces the other side. I let a sigh of relief and eventually feel myself going to sleep.



My changlix heart was like 💖😍😳😏🙈💖(ndiwbdbjk)

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