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"Binnie wake up." I felt someone shaking and I sit up.

"What happened felix? What time is it?"

"2 hours before our game starts. Come on let's start getting ready."

"What? It's so early. 5 more minutes." I said and laid back down.

"If you wake up right now, I'll make you pancakes." I quickly sat up again. Felix's food was the best... Well after my mom.

"I'm awake! Now. Pancakes."

"Cute. Come on let's eat and head to the gym. We play 'home' today."

"Really? I though it was at their school."

°^After breakfast^° Now at gym

"Ok let's do some warm-ups and some stretching. Now start!" Coach blew the whistle and we all started warming up. After 20 minutes of warming up, KQ arrived. And there he was.

Minho. My ex.

He still looks so handsome. I can't believe he could be so evil under that face.

I need to focus on telling him about the baby.

I see his team stretching and then he heads to the restroom. Now's my chance.

I walk inside the restroom while no one was looking and I see him looking at himself in the mirror. Of course.

"Minho." He stops looking at himself and looks at me.

"What do you want?" He crosses his arms.

"U-um we need to talk."

"About?" He asked impatiently.

"Well i have something important to tell you."

"Get to the point already. Just tell me."

"I-i'm pregnant. A-and it's your baby." I look at the ground to nervous to look at him.

"There's no way. You're a guy. How can that happen?"

"I didn't believe it either but it's true. Minho we need to go back to the way we were. Both of us need to take care of our child."

He scoffed. "There's no way I'm a father. And we can't be together I'm dating someone already. There's a reason i left you. You're pathetic like always."

"Minho please. I don't want to raise the baby by myself." I grabbed his arm.

"Get away from! I will not be a father!" He pushed me away and left.

I stood there crying and then someone came in.

"Changbin? Changbin! Are you ok? What happened?"

"F-felix he didn't want to t-take care of of the b-baby. What am i gonna do? I hate him! I wanted us t-together just for the baby's sake. B-but he called me pathetic." I then hugged him

"Shh Shh. It's ok. I'll help you ok? He's a jerk. You will meet someone special that will care for both you and your baby. Want me to carry you?"

"Please." He extended his arms out and I jumped in them. Him carrying me by my thighs.

"Better?" I burry my head in his chest and nod.

"Let's go back to practicing and warming up."



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