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"I will want to take care of the baby. I'll break up with who I'm dating and we'll be back to the way we were." My eyes widened. I didn't think he would actually want to take care of the baby.

"D-do you actually mean it?" I asked.

"Of course i do. I will take care of you and our baby." He said and kissed me. Oh how I missed those lips.

°^Felix Pov^°

I wanted to confess my feelings to changbin but i guess it was too late. I've been getting feelings towards him a lot recently. The incident that happened on Saturday made me hold back from kissing him. He looks so much better in my arms.

But he has someone else now. I'll have to act like nothing now. And just be his best friend.


I couldn't believe it. My child now has their official father and not someone else.

"Wanna come to my house?" Minho asks me.

"I actually came with felix. You can go with your friends." I said and went with felix.

"So how did it go?" He asked me.

"He agreed! I can't believe it! I thought he was gonna say no. I'm so happy felix!"

"I'm glad you're happy. When you're happy I'm happy. So what do you want go do now?"

"Well i don't want to be a friend that hangs out with their boyfriend all the time, SO I'm still gonna hang out with you. Can we go to your house?" I asked him.

"Yea. Do you want to leave now?" Felix asks me.

"Yes! Let's go." We ran to felix's car and soon got in. I really liked his house because it was beautiful. It would shock me everytime i saw it.

"Your house is pretty like always felix."

"Thanks. We're here. Come on let's go to my room." We got off the car and felix unlocked his door.

"Hello felix! Hi changbin how are you?" His mom asked.

"I'm great Mrs. Lee how about you?" I asked and bowed a little.

"I've been great dear thank you for asking."

"We'll be in my room mom." Felix said and dragged me to his room.

"What's the rush felix?"

"Nothing. Just want to spend time with you. My best friend."

"I guess. But you might break my arm from pulling it to hard." He laughed and just grabbed my hand.

We soon arrived to his room and it was also really pretty.

"Why is your house AND your room so pretty?" I asked feeling jealous.

"I don't know. They're okay I guess. You want a new pair of clothes?"

"Yes please. These clothes are dirty just by sitting on the grass."

"Here you are. I'll change my clothes also." He said and took off his shirt. Showing his ABS!!

 Showing his ABS!!

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