Double Date

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Felix eyed minho. "But not here. Only where both of us are. It's kinda private."

I turned to minho and he nodded his head.

"See you later babe." He said and kissed me. We parted away and he left.

"So i see you guys made up." Felix smiled.

"Yeah. I'm so glad. So! What are the news?"

"Oh yeah! Guess what!"

"You finally got your hamster out of the vacuum?"

"No. I'm pretty sure he died already. I haven't checked. The news is... Drum roll.... I'm dating someone!"

"Really!? I'm so happy for you! Who is it?"

"Jisung! We went to my house and started talking about the project. Then out of nowhere, he said I was beautiful and i was really good at basketball. He then said he had a long time crush on me and that he was lucky that i was his partner for the baby project. Next thing i knew, he kissed me and then he asked me out. Which i happily agreed."

"Oh my god felix! I knew he liked you all along! I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you! I'm happy you made up with minho."

"Thanks. He actually broke up with his girlfriend in front of me. Can you believe that?"

"Wow (she's hot) I'm really happy for both of us. Oh my god you know what we should do?"

"What?" I asked.

"A double date!"

"A double date? Why?"

"Well since we are best friends, our boyfriends have to get to know each other."

"But doesn't Jisung know minho already? He already knew minho was my boyfriend."

"Yeah he told me but jisung actually hates him ever since he found out minho cheated on you. SO... A double date can help them get closer. So... What do you think? Do you like the idea or not?"

"Hmm. It would be a good chance for them to get along so... I agree! Double date! But when?"

"We should do it on friday afternoon at 5:30 pm. Just 2 more days."

"Ok. But where?"

"The park we were before at. Got it?"

"Yea. But how are we gonna convince them?"

"You tell minho you want to go on a date at the park and I'll tell jisung the same thing. We go to different locations but we have to arrive at the same time. We'll text each other where we are and just pretend that we didn't know we were gonna be there. We pass by each other and then boom, we have a double date."

"Ohh. Ok ok. Got it."

"Good. Now good luck to you."



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