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"Felix wake up! Ugh. Wake up. Wake up." I kept shaking felix so we could get ready to go to school but he wouldn't wake up.

I gasped. "Felix are you dead!? Don't die on me!" I said and started jumping on top of him.

"Hgn. Changbin stop. What are you doing?"

"Well I thought you died because you wouldn't wake up so I started jumping on top of you." I explained.

"Why would i be dead?"

"Well you must be a heavy sleeper then. Come on we have to get ready for school." I told him.

"Ugh. Can't we just stay here and cuddle?"

"No. I actually care about my grades. Unlike you." I giggled.

He gasped. "For your information I do care about my grades."

"Well then start getting ready. Can i borrow some of your clothes?"

"Yea just look for something over in my drawers." I nodded my head and headed to his drawers. I got a black t-shirt and then went to look for pants. But then I found lotion?

"Uh felix why do you have a lotion in your drawer? Do you want to smell pretty or something?" I asked him feeling curious because he always smelled like cologne.

He ran towards me and snatched it away from my hand.

"U-uh t-that's not mine. I kept it hidden because my mom would use it a lot and it smelled really bad."

"But your mom hates using lotion." I said confused. Is he lying? What does he need it for.

"Let's just ignore that. Here." He said and threw me a pair of pants.

"Thanks." I started discarding my clothes and noticed felix staring at me.

"W-what are you looking at?" I asked putting the clothes on as fast as i could.

"I-i sorry. I didn't mean to." I laughed.

"I was kidding. You can look." He smiled.

"Ready to go?"

"Yes. Don't want to be late."



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