8 months

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It has been 8 months and minho and changbin became the popular couple of the school. Felix and Jisung being second.

Changbin's belly was really noticeable and his back was in so much much pain.

"Ugh. I want this baby out of me." Changbin complained. Him and minho were laying on the couch watching a movie but changbin wouldn't stop complaining.

"Baby just 1 more month and that's it. I'm pretty sure it's not that bad." Minho said.

"Ha! Not "that bad". If you had a baby, you would be complaining also so shut up."

"Ok sorry. Let's just go back to watching t.v." Minho said and they both turned to the t.v.

Then changbin's phone rang.

"Yes lixie?"

"Hey changbin! Wanna hang out today later on?"

"Sorry felix i can't. My back is killing me. I want this baby out of me so bad."

"Haha. It's ok. When do you think we could hang out?"

"How about next week?"

"Sure sounds good. See you then!"

"See you. Bye!"

"I hate you." Changbin said to minho.

"W-what? Me!? What did i do!?"

"It's your fault my back hurts."

"Well that's what you also said when we finished in bed." Minho said and smirked causing changbin to blush.

"Y-yea. But that's different! I didn't have a human being inside me."

"Ok. You win." Minho put his hands up in defense.

"Can i hang out with felix next week?"

"Can i come along?"


"Well something bad might happen to you. I have to be there."

"Fine. I guess. I need bigger hoodies. The others fit me tight."

"I can go right now on if you want."

"What about me?"

"I don't want your back to be in more pain so I'll go. I can leave you with felix if you want?"

"It's ok. I'll stay here. I don't want to stand up anymore."

"Oh ok. I'll be back in a bit. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

Minho soon left leaving changbin alone laying in the couch. He felt hungry so he stood up slowly and walked to the kitchen.

"Hmm what to eat?" Changbin hummed as he tried to look for food. He was trying to reach a cabinet because he was short. He tried reaching a little bit more but then he felt his feet wet.

His eyes widened and looked at the floor.

His water broke.



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