Not as planned

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It was currently 5:15 pm and i had 15 minutes to change. I was rushing because i usually take long. Meanwhile, minho was having something to eat. Jeez. He's so simple.

I get a white hoodie and black pants. Then i check the time. 5:20 pm. Oh shit!

I quickly go to the bathroom and do my hair. I soon finish and tell minho that we should leave already.

"Hurry up minho. Or we're gonna be late."

"I'm going. Im going."

We went out of my house and head inside his car.

"Drive fast. We have 3 minutes left." He listened to me and we arrived 1 minute early. I got off quickly and headed to the park.

"Hey wait for me!" I heard minho shout behind me.

"Sorry!" I giggled.

I waited for him and and i see felix on the other side of the park. I quickly take out my phone and text him to look up at me.

He looked up and saw me. I put my finger on my lips and pointed at minho. He nodded his head.

"Minho hurry up!"

"I'm coming!"

He ran towards me and held my hand. I look up at felix and nod. We headed towards each other and soon bumped into each other.

"Oh I'm so- Hey felix! What are you doing here?" Man I'm so good at acting. Might as well give me an award.

"Oh hey changbin! I didn't know you were coming here. I told Jisung to take me on a date at the park."

"Oh really? Me too!"

"That's so cool! You know what! Let's have a double date!" Felix exclaimed.

"Oh my god we should!"

"Babe can we have a double date pleaseee." Felix begged jisung.

"Whatever makes you happy babe." Jisung smiled but then saw minho.

"What do you think you're doing here?" He crossed his arms.

"With my boyfriend. What about it?"

"What do you mean about it! You fucking cheated on my friend! How can I fucking forgive you!"

"Hey Jisung calm down. It's ok. I'm actually dating him again." Jisung turned his neck so fast towards me that i was afraid it was gonna fall off.

"What? You. Him. Together. Again?"

"Well jisung you see... Um... I'm actually pregnant with his baby." Jisung's eyes grew wide.

"You bitch! You got him pregnant! What's wrong with you!?"

"Well I didn't know he could get pregnant!"

"Well bitch you're suppose to wear protection either way! Babe i can't do this. Let's go."

"I-i'm sorry changbin. See you tomorrow."

I just stood there shocked.

This didn't go as planned.



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