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After practice, i met by felix's car and we went to the park.

"Let's go over there!" I pointed close to a river and grabbed his hand. I ran towards that area and find a place to sit.

"Here." I find a place on the ground and we sat down. The view was beautiful.

"Imagine just the two of us here." I heard felix say and grabbed my hand.

"What do you mean Felix?" I asked him feeling confused.

"Changbin i feel different around you. I get a weird feeling. I think I might li-"

"Hey felix look!" Before he could finish his sentence, i stopped him when i noticed Minho in the park.

He smiled. "Go talk to him then."

I nodded my head and stood up. I ran towards him and tapped the back of his shoulder.

"And then-   What do you want?" He asked one he noticed me.

"Do you really want me to say it in front of your friends because if you do I'll say it. Did-"

"Ok ok they'll leave. I'll catch up with you guys later." His friends nodded and left.

"Have you decided?" I asked him crossing my arms.

"I actually thought about it. And..."



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