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Minho attached his lips to the other and started kissing him passionately. He stuck his tongue inside changbin making him moan into the kiss.

"M-master please h-hurry." Changbin said whimpering. Waiting for minho make him feel full.

"Wait a bit baby." His boyfriend said and went to get a lube and a condom. "This time I'll use protection." Minho smiled.

"Good because i don't want another baby right now." Changbin said.

Minho went to take of his shirt and then changbin's clothes. Changbin hid himself and squirmed. He knew minho has seen him like this before but he still felt so shy. It's been so long since they have done this.

The older applied some of the lube on his fingers and inserted two into the smaller, watching him jolt up a bit. He inserted two more fingers and started pumping them in and out rapidly, hearing the younger moan loudly.

Once he thought changbin was opened enough, he put the condom on and applied some lube on in. He aligned himself into the other and look up for approval.

"Y-yes hurry." Changbin moaned out and soon minho fully entered him. "O-oh my god! Y-you got bigger!" Changbin moaned arching his back.

"A-and you're still tight as always." Minho grunted, pounding into the poor boy. He cooed at the beautiful boy squirming under him, covering his face.

"Baby don't cover your face. It's beautiful." Minho praised the other.

"S-sorry master." Changbin pouted making minho pinch his cheeks a bit. The older's face then turned into a face with lust. He started pounding faster into changbin.

"M-minho so g-good more please." Changbin said making minho mad because of what he called him. "What did you say? Huh? I'm your master! Are you gonna be a bad boy for master?" Minho asked making changbin shake his head fast.

"I-i'm sorry master. I-it slipped out. I'm a g-good boy." Changbin said making minho smile at him.

"Good boy. Such a good boy for me. You're really obedient for your master."

"Yes g-good for master." Changbin said, loving the way minho was pounding into him. He really missed minho. Even though he was sad and angry for cheating on him, he still had feelings for him. Changbin started crying due to the memories coming back to him.

"Hey baby are you ok? Am i hurting you? Do you want me to stop?" Minho asked, slowing his thrusts to check up on the other.

"I'm s-sorry. It's because i just remembered when we were together before. When you cheated on me, I felt angry but I still loved you. I'm sorry." Changbin said and covered his face.

"Hey baby. I'm sorry i treated you like garbage. I don't know what was going through my mind when I left. I must have been crazy to leave this beauty." Minho said scanning changbin's body.

"It's ok m-minho. I forgive y-you. Can you m-move again please?" Changbin said giving puppy eyes to minho.

Minho didn't answer back and just started thrusting into him. Sweat started forming on his forehead but didn't even bother wiping it off. He was too busy pounding into the beauty below him.

Minho saw changbin's cock leaking pre-come and smirked. "Need to come baby?"

"Y-yes. Can I?" Minho thought about it and decided to tease the younger. He tried to look for his prostate and soon heard the other moan loudly. He started pounding in that same spot.

"M-master need to c-come so bad. Please!" Changbin begged. He wanted to come so bad. It hurt his small dick so much. Minho started pumping the smaller's dick and soon he came, tightening around minho.

The older grunted and started thrusting faster and soon he came into the condom. He pulled out, tying up the condom and throwing it into the trash bin.

Changbin just laid still in the bed, completely fucked out. Minho laid next to him to cuddle.

"Come on baby we have to shower." Minho said patting changbin's head.

"Ugh but I'm so tired."

"Well what are you gonna do when minbin wakes up? Huh? You don't plan on touching her that dirty right?" Minho asked making changbin's eyes widen.

"You're right! Let's shower now!" Changbin said trying to stand up but due to his pain, he fell on the bed with a little yelp.

Minho laughed and carried him into the bathroom. They both got inside the bathtub and showered.



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