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I woke up the next day and feel Minho cuddling me. I smile and check the time. 7:25 am.

It's so early. Why did i have to wake up right now? I sigh and stand up to go to the restroom. Once i wake up, i could never go back to sleep.

I finish doing my business and try to find some clothes for school.

Blue shirt? Nah. White shirt? Nope. Ah. There we go. Black shirt. I grab my shirt and start looking for pants.

I get white tight jeans and start putting my them on. Once i finished putting my pants on, I felt arms around my waist. I let out a little yelp and heard a chuckle.

"Minho you scared me!"

"Sorry baby. What are you doing by the way?"

"Changing. What else does it look like I'm doing?"

"I know you're changing, but I meant why are you changing into these pants?" He said and squeezed my ass.


"Tell me baby. Why these pants?"

"I mean why not? Is there something wrong with them?" I asked and looked at my pants trying to look for stains or something.

"No. But your ass shows off so much and it's only for me to look at."

"Cute. But I'm not changing." I said and started taking off the shirt i had before so i could put the new one on.

"Baby listen to me. Change. Now." He said in a stern voice.

"No. Now start changing or else we'll be late for school."

"But someone might see how good your ass looks and might take you away from me."

"No one is gonna take me away form you. So now start getting ready."

"Fine. Can I borrow some of your clothes?"

"Yea. Just wear whatever you want." I said pointed at my drawers.

We soon both finished changing and i looked at the time. 7:50 am. 10 more minutes until school starts.

"Let's get going yeah?" He asked me and i nodded my head.

---------°^Time skip To School^°--------

Once i arrived, felix came running up to me and looked at me like if he was so excited for something.

"Felix are you ok? Why are you excited?"

"Changbin! I have news to tell you."



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