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The sound of the birds chirping outside my window while I put on my dress, being a princess isn't all about the royal life, instead it makes you feel like an animal being caged. My name is Y/N, the daughter and princess of the Nilsa family. I twirl in front of the mirror, admiring the dress that had just been brought here this morning, also designed by one of my favourite designers.

"Princess Y/N, breakfast is ready" My lady-in-waiting and also friend, Suzume said. She knock on the door before entering my room. Her jaw dropped once she saw me.

"I must say, the dress looks much more dazzling on you" I laugh, easily flattered by her words. But that's not the only reason I'm laughing about.

"You can stop acting all noble now" Her smile stayed on for a few seconds before finally letting out a relieved sigh, laying on my bed like the exhausted court lady she is.

"Can you believe I have to smile like a doll everyday I wake up? Also talk like a robot" I chuckle as I sat on the bed, sitting just right beside her.

"Wow, its almost like you never say that to me everyday" I sarcastically said. The room was quiet until we broke the silence with our laughter.

"I wish I could talk to you longer but I seriously need to go help the other maids with setting up the dining table. Get there in time okay?" I smile as I watch her leave me in my room, typical Suzume. I got up and walk towards my desk, opening the drawer to taking out the necklace I've cherished for years.

"Where are you..." My thumb was admiring the design of the necklace while my mind was thinking of him.

8 year old Y/N Flashback
I kept looking back at the castle while I was busy catching my breath, also making sure none of the maids were following me. Because my eyes weren't focused on the path in front of me, I ended up tripping over a dry tree branch, landing on my face and also dirtying my clothes.

"Ouch" I use my hands to help support my body as I try to get back up.

"Princess Y/N! Where are you?!" I start to panic when I heard the maids calling for me. I need to go! No matter how hard I tried to get up on my feet, I keep falling back onto the grass.

Just when I thought everything was hopeless, I saw a hand reaching down to me. Although the sun was blinding my eyes, I manage to make out the figure that was standing before me, he had such mesmerising eyes and a beautiful scar on his left eye. Just by staring at him made it look like that time had stopped, I can sit here and just look at him all day...

"Y/N!" I snap out of my thoughts when I heard the voice of the maids getting closer and closer. I didn't think twice and took his hand, letting him lead me to wherever his taking me.

He open the door to a small shack and then closing it once we both were inside it. We stayed incredibly quiet while waiting for the footsteps of the maids to pass by, a sigh of relieved escaped from my mouth when they were finally gone. I was too busy being glad that I didn't notice the boy who just saved me was still sitting beside me.

"Th-Thanks for helping me out, I'm Y/N" I got up to curtsy. He didn't say anything for the first few seconds.

"I'm Shoto Todoroki" He got up and also did a curtsy. I couldn't help but laugh at him, he must not be familiar with anything royalty.

"So...Todoroki...Where is this place?" I look around the shack that seems to be abandoned. He stayed quiet again before finally answering me.

"Its a shack that I found near my house. I always come here when things at home get...tough" I turn around to see him frowning at the ground, you don't need to know him to tell that he has family issues, I took a few steps towards him and it made him lift his head.

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