▪︎Wedding Nerves▪︎

524 16 19

I just put on some formal clothes and nothing much, I then got in the car once I was done making sure the house was locked and secured from any intruders. Where should I go? Hm...How about the mall nearby? I wouldn't wanna go that far from home. I step on the pedal and start to drive myself there. When I made it there, I parked the car at the front and made sure it was locked before I head inside. I haven't been out in the open for so long, glad I thought of this idea.

I was walking around the place, trying to think of what to do with my time. I want to buy something but what? Suddenly I felt the baby in my tummy move, did it just kick me? Because of being reminded by the baby that I'm still pregnant, I finally thought of an idea, this baby is gonna be arriving in a few months. It'll make sense if we have a nursery prepared just for this baby. Which is why I spend the day trying to find decorations and furniture to add to the nursery, that will be the other bedroom me and Todoroki doesn't have use for.

"They'll be sent to your house tomorrow" The owner of the shop said and I thank her. I can't wait to see the final look of the nursery when me and Todoroki are done decorating it, I hope it looks homey.

I got in the car and immediately head back home when I realise it's about to get dark. I haven't even cooked dinner yet! I hope Todoroki can bear with me. I was even more rushed when I saw his car already parked at the front of the house. I unbuckle my seatbelt and hurry my way inside, I was chuckling a bit when I saw Todoroki attempting to cook in the kitchen again. I hope he learned what he did wrong after that day. Before I tell him the big surprise, I'll go take a shower.

When I was done showering and everything, I head back downstairs. Todoroki was already waiting for me by the dining table. I didn't leave him waiting and took the seat in front of him. The food looks much more promising than yesterday, let's just hope he didn't add too much salt on everything. I grab the chopsticks and ate the chicken, it was somehow much more intense since Todoroki was watching my every move so carefully. Is this suddenly a Masterchef event?

"Is it good?" He watch me chew on the meat. I nod in approval.

"Its delicious" He blush when he saw me smiling so happily. Seems like his good at cooking meat but not vegetables, guess I found his weakness.

"Um Todoroki" He look at me with his mouth full of rice. What a cute expression, he definitely is a cat disguised as a person.

"I was thinking of turning the extra bedroom we have, into a nursery for the baby, if you have the time then we might get to decorate it together..." I put the food in my mouth after I was done talking.

"O-Of course I'll make time for that. How can I let you do all the work alone? I'd be a terrible husband" Todoroki said and I look at him. You would never be a terrible husband. I made an excited smile.

"Then we'll start tomorrow, is that okay?" He nod.

I've already ordered the paint for the room so I bet it'll be here tomorrow morning, along with the other things I've bought at the mall. I can't wait to paint the nursery and decorate it with Todoroki, it's all I've ever dreamed of. It was now the next day, I didn't do much but cuddle with Todoroki in the living room. His arms wrapped around my body while I switch the channels on the TV. Boring...All boring...There isn't anything to watch. Suddenly Todoroki grab the controller from my hand.

"Why don't we do something else instead?" I got up from his lap and look at him. What are we gonna do?

"Our baby is growing stronger and bigger every day...I wonder if it can hear me" Todoroki place his hand on my tummy and gently rub it. I smile seeing him also place a kiss on top of it.

"I hope I'll get to see you soon...Me and your mom are gonna take very good care of you once you're brought to this world" Todoroki softly whispered to the baby. I winced a bit when I felt the baby moving. I chuckle.

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