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While Todoroki is busy changing in the other bedroom. I went through the unpacked boxes to see what clothes I can wear for the wedding. Since it's a wedding, I should probably wear something that'll make me fit in with the other guests. I smile when I finally found it, I close the door and quickly change. I wouldn't want me and Todoroki to be late.

 I wouldn't want me and Todoroki to be late

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"Perfect" I twirl in front of the mirror. I stop looking at my reflection when I saw Todoroki standing behind me through the mirror, I turn around.

 I stop looking at my reflection when I saw Todoroki standing behind me through the mirror, I turn around

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"What do you think?" He blush when he notice I was staring too much. I took a few steps towards him and run my hand down his chest.

"You look beautiful" He blush even harder. I laugh when he tried to get rid of his flustered feeling by placing kisses down my neck. It's not gonna be easy for you to make me blush too.

"I love you" He kept saying each time he plant a kiss on my neck. He stop once he was satisfied.

"Let's go before we're late" I nod and follow him to the car.

In the middle of the ride, I felt my stomach acting weird again. God damn it, again?! When is this gonna stop? I tried to avoid suspicion from Todoroki by looking out the window and trying my best to hold in the pain or whatever this weird feeling is. Vomiting...being sleepy...Could I be pregnant? I could feel my heart pounding when I remember I haven't had my period in a while.

"We're here" Todoroki was about to get out of the car when he notice me having a startled expression. He pat my head, trying his best to make me feel better from whatever I'm doing.

"Are you doing alright? Do you want to go home?" I look at Todoroki to see him staring at me with worrying eyes. I shake my head.

"I'm fine, just remembered something I forgot to do" I felt much better when Todoroki lean in to place a kiss on my lips. He smile once he finally saw my happy side.

We got out of the car and went inside the wedding hall. It was beautifully decorated that I was lost for words. I hope me and Todoroki's wedding will look as magical as this. The guests including us sat down when it was about to start. A beautiful song started to play when the bride appeared, Todoroki's friend sure is lucky to marry someone so breathtaking.

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