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Todoroki treated himself with some medicine after we were done eating dinner. I sat back on the sofa and continued folding our clothes. This is starting to scare me, not his job but my own. You must be wondering what is my job, that's the point, I don't have one. What should I do once I give birth to this angel? I can't let Todoroki do all the work finding money for this family. All the worries from my head were instantly wiped away when I felt someone kissing the top of my head.

"Daydreaming again?" How could you tell? I look down and notice I've been holding on one of his boxers too long. I see the answer now...

"Our wedding is just the day after tomorrow. Are you...handling it well?" I would be lying if I say yes.

"Still can't shake off the fact we're gonna be getting married soon, it feels like a fairytale" He stopped standing behind the sofa and sat down beside me. That way we can talk more comfortably.

"And that we'll be having a baby soon..." I rub my tummy and Todoroki place his hand on top of mine. He smile when we locked eyes.

"I'm actually proud. I manage to get you pregnant so easily" I blush as I gently punch him on the shoulder. That's embarrassing! He laugh seeing my reaction.

"I hope this is what you want" He tuck my hair behind my ear before kissing me on the lips. Of course this is what I want...

He grab the back of my neck to deepen the kiss even more. My face was heating up because of how rough the kiss was, his lips pressed against mine while our tongues were competing with each other. I ended up losing and let him in my mouth. We stopped kissing when I suddenly squirmed in pain, he look at me with a worried expression. The reason I was in pain was because the baby kicked. Plesse sop trying to do martial arts in me.

"Bad baby...Didn't you promise me you won't hurt mommy?" Todoroki pointed at my tummy while disciplining the baby. This is stupid yet cute.

The night went on with cuddles and lullabies. Is it foolish of me to be with this man? How can he call me his angel when his perfect himself? He really is precious...Fast forward to the next day, which is the day before the wedding. I'm so excited, I smile to myself as I did the laundry. The fact we get to enjoy our honeymoon during the end of the year is also something to be excited for. I can't wait for us to watch the fireworks go off from our hotel room.

"There you are. I was about to call the police when I saw you not in the living room" Todoroki watch as I put our dity clothes into the washing machine. Well someone has to do the house chores.

"The wedding planner told me she already sent all the wedding invitations to our guests" That's great! I can't wait to see father and Aquilla there, not to mention Suzume my friend.

"I'll try to be home soon, love you" Todoroki gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving for his hero work. I love you too...

Alright Y/N, don't forget today is the day before the wedding, which is why you have to take very very good care of yourself! I'll just try to get enough rest. I lay down on the sofa and decided to take a quick nap, it was hard for me to fall asleep because well, I have a huge belly that is carrying a baby inside! Anyways I manage to get a few minutes sleep before having to take out the washed clothes from the washing machine and then hanging them up outside.

It's still hard for me to believe I'm gonna be 5 months pregnant. When I was done hanging up the clothes, I decided to use this time to try out something. I went to the office room so I could use the computer and search up some jobs. I know I still have a lot of time to relax but I just want to be prepared. I ended up spending the entire evening scrolling through job options, none fitted my taste while some were just too much for me to do.

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