▪︎Run away▪︎

970 42 14

I'm going crazy. I haven't seen Todoroki for a year now and it's making me feel like my entire body is dying, I look at my reflection with no emotions on my face, I just wanna feel his warmth next to mine. I sigh as I close my eyes, imagining his face, his smile and his laughter. Oh gosh I think I'm going mental. I open my eyes to see Suzume coming in with a tray of food, is that breakfast?

"I figured you'd start to hate going outside" Its almost like you could read my mind. Though I'm not surprised since she could sense things, that's her Quirk after all.

"How is father?" I ask and her expression darken.

"His busy arranging the ceremony for the celebration of you, finally being queen" I let out a frustrated sigh. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse.

Suzume place the plates on the table before standing beside me, I look at our reflections on the mirror. It feels like I'm already living in hell myself. Everything seemed hopeless and it is, that's what I was feeling until I thought of a crazy idea. This might not work but you never know, I'll take my chances. I look at Suzume and she tense up by my gaze, completely overwhelmed by this plan of mine.

"Suzume...I have an idea but I'll need you to work with me here" She nervously grit her teeth, already feeling uncomfortable by my tone.

She watch me start to pack my clothes and was completely startled by it. When I was done zipping the luggage close, she look at me with concern in her eyes, she has no idea what I'm doing but probably knows that its gonna be a crazy one. She panic even more when I took off my clothes, leaving me in my bra and underwear.

"Heres the plan" I cup my hands to whisper to her ear, making sure Katon doesn't hear us from outside.

"I'm thinking of running away but it wouldn't work if people will discover me gone in just a few seconds after just leaving my bedroom. That's why I need you to pretend to be me for a while, it's not that hard since you'll just have to stay in here and act like me" She look at me, I could tell she doesn't trust me with this plan.

"How are you gonna escape though? Theres like 4 or 6 guards guarding the path to the exit. You can't possibly just walk outside" Suzume said and I grin, she was caught off guard by it. Theres a reason I took off my clothes you know.

"You'll wear my clothes and I'll wear yours. It's almost like we're switching bodies" She raised her eyebrows, still not sure if she should do what I say. I beg her with my eyes.

"Please...Didn't you once said you'd like to try to be a princess?" I said and that made her walls weaken. She let out a sigh with a defeated look, I grin.

"Fine but if I get caught it's all on you" She start to take off her clothes and wore mine.

"Do me a favour and throw the luggage down from the window once you see me waiting down there" I said after I finish changing into her clothes. I open the door before grabbing the tray of food, I took a deep breath, you can do this Y/N.

"She didn't eat?" Katon ask and I immediately kept my head low, hiding it with the hat Suzume told me to wear. I shake my head.

"Lovesick" He roll his eyes and I hide my grin as I walk away, what an idiot, he didn't even suspect a thing.

I went in the kicten and place the food on the kitchen table before heading to the back door. Thankfully the butlers are too busy cutting the bushes that they didn't notice me, I stood right under the window of my bedroom. Suzume opened the window and saw me waving at her, she went back inside before coming back with the luggage in her hand. She threw it down and I stood aside or else I'll get hit by it.

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