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The honeymoon went well for us but I still couldn't wait to go back to our real home with Mizuki. Our flight arrived back at Japan in the afternoon so the first thing we did was head to the castle to pick Mizuki up. I wonder if she had fun, knowing that she had always wanted to live in a castle. By the time we got there, I could see Mizuki waiting outside with my brother holding her luggage for her.

"Mommy!" Mizuki jumped into my arms when I got out of the car. I laugh as I hug her back.

"I hope she didn't trouble you" Todoroki said while grabbing Mizuki's luggage from my brother. He shake his head.

"N-Not at all" Aquilla nervously smile. Todoroki was gonna say something until Mizuki interrupted him by grabbing on to his arm. I carefully pass her to him before paying attention to my brother.

"Thanks for taking care of her Aquilla" I said while Todoroki put Mizuki in the car along with putting her luggage in the trunk. He then got in the driver seat and waited for me.

"Its the least I could do for my nephew" He smile.

"Well I'll see you around" He nod and I got in the passenger's seat. I turn around to see Mizuki waving Aquilla goodbye as Todoroki drove away. I can't wait to go home and just watch TV as a whole family.

15 years later...
A little here...A little there. I put the sandwich in the lunchbox once I was done making them. Never thought making a sandwich takes a lot of work. I smile when Mizuki and Yutaka gave me a morning hug. If you're wondering, Mizuki is now 20 years old while Yutaka is just a 14 year old boy. I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek before handing them their lunchboxes.

"Good luck on your job Mizuki" She gave me a warm smile before walking out the front door. Even though she's a sidekick, I bet she'll definitely become a hero.

"Good morning. Oh did Mizuki leave already?" Todoroki walk down the stairs while struggling to tie his tie. I move his hand away and tie it for him.

"Send Yutaka to school for me" I gave him a quick peck on the lips once I was done tying his tie. He nod with a grin.

"Come on let's go son" Todoroki stroke Yutaka's head while he happily leap his way to the car with his father following behind him.

Yutaka has all my features, my hair colour, hairstyle, skin tone...What he does has from his father was his eye colour, brownish dark gray. I was lost in my thoughts until I heard Genki crying, I quickly hurry my way up the stairs and into the nursery. I pick him up from the cradle and started breastfeeding him, he must be very hungry. And don't worry, his the last child I gave birth to. I pat his back when he was done drinking my milk.

Genki is 2 years old and extremely attractive like his faster. Unlike Yutaka, Genki has all Todoroki's feature and my eating habits, I guess that explains your question of why his so hungry in the morning. I laugh when he manage to burp after I gave his back a few more pats. You're gonna be a heavy eater like me. For now, I'm in charge of looking after Genki while Todoroki and Mizuki do their hero work and Yutaka focusing on school.

We're like a perfect family. We spend the days laughing and facing through obstacles together, the best part is going on vacations...Thinking back to the day where I was just 19 years old, I never could've known I would have three amazing kids and a loving husband. Now that I think about it, I feel really old, I'm 37 now...Wow that's a huge digit...But I don't mind it at all.

Fast forward, it was a normal Saturday and a public holiday for everyone in the family. We plan to go to the beach to relax since it was a sunny day. I laugh seeing Todoroki putting Yutaka in the car trunk with the other things on purpose. Don't worry, he sat in the back row seat with Mizuki during the ride there. Todoroki was probably just playing with him...Or maybe he just couldn't tell the difference between objects and his son...

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