▪︎Sweet Chimney▪︎

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I was hiding behind Todoroki when we stepped foot into his house. It just feels weird being back here, it was basically my fault that the police ended up showing up at their doorstep, I've put Todoroki's family through a lot of trouble. I tense up when I saw Todoroki's sister approaching us, she smile as she stood in front of Todoroki. I don't think she saw me yet, after all I'm hiding behind tall Todoroki here.

"Where's Y/N? Didn't you say you were gonna bring her here?" I peek my head from behind Todoroki's shoulder, she smile when we made eye contact. Is his sister always so nice? It must be fun hanging out with her then.

"I'm sorry for having the police show up last time. I should have been more cautious" I stood beside Todoroki before I apologetically bow to her. She chuckle as shake her hand dismissively.

"Its really nothing. We're family, aren't we?" I look at her with a surprised expression. We're...family? She start panicking when she saw me staring at her too much.

"I-I'll leave you two to your date. Good luck" She wink at Todoroki and that made me confuse. Good...luck?

"Don't mind her, she's just teasing us" I chuckle when he started to plant kisses on my lips and all over my neck.

When Todoroki stopped, he hold my hand and started taking me somewhere. His house is very...Japanese so you probably know how it looks like. He slide open the door to the backyard but instead of a normal looking backyard, it was a beautiful garden instead. I change my mind, it looks more like a whole fantasy world! I was busy admiring the place that I didn't realise Todoroki wasn't with me anymore. I look around. Wait where is he? Don't tell he left me out here.

"You must be hungry" I turn around and was face to face with Todoroki's chest. Let me just...I lift my head up a little higher.

"I thought it would be romantic if we had dinner at one of my favourite spots in the garden" Todoroki hold my hand again and my legs were just following him on it's own. A romantic dinner in his garden? Now that's something I'm gonna be cherishing every night.

I was wowed when I saw a neatly clothed table right beside a tree, there were even mini chandeliers hanging from the branches. For once in my life, I feel really spoiled. Todoroki hold the chair out for me and I sat on it. Once he was done making sure I was comfortable, he took the seat in front of me. He softly smile at me while he rest his head on his palm, I swear I might just die by the amount of love his making me feel right now.

"Food for a beautiful couple" A guy that I assume is Todoroki's brother, place two plates of freshly cooked food on the table. Damn I'm already drooling. I watch Todoroki's brother walk away before looking back at Todoroki.

"Itadakimasu " We said before eating. The food looked like it was from a fancy restaurant, I seriously have to thank Todoroki's brother...if he was the chef.

Me and Todoroki were like two cats enjoying their meal quietly. Two words, chubby cheeks. The way Todoroki was chewing on the meat just gave me access to his cute chubby cheeks, if only I could feel how soft they are. After we were done eating the delicious steak, Todoroki's brother came back to pick up the dirty plates and then leaving with them. I wonder how it must be to live under the same roof with his brother and sister, it must be full of excitement.

"Are you pleased, my queen" He took out a napkin and gently wipe away the meat's juice from my lips. I blush when he sat back down and was done cleaning my lips.

"Yeah...My king" We both ended up blushing. When the flustered feeling was slowly dying down, Todoroki got up from his seat and suddenly pick me up bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck with a startled expression.

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