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I'm now in my bedroom changing after I just finished taking a warm bath. There was suddenly a knock on the door and that made me on guard, I open the door when I was fully dressed. To my surprise it was father. I mean, his retiring so it would make sense that he has the time to talk to me. I invite him in and he sat on my bed while I close the door.

"How was your day Y/N?" Father ask as I sat down beside him, I smile.

"Wonderful" He smile back, he hold my hand and it made me concern.

"I know the sudden announcement of my retirement and you being a queen must be stressing you out right now, but don't worry, I have arranged your very own marriage gala for you" What the hell is that and why didn't you discuss this with me? This is the second time already.

"Princes all over the world will be attending so you'll get to pick one lucky prince to be your future king and husband" I cringe. Doesn't father think they are too...what's the word? Formal? I think that describe them the best.

"I-I'll try" I force a smile. He had done a lot of things for me and it would be rude of me to reject such a kind offer.

"The gala is this Saturday so be sure to dress pretty for our guests" Father gave my forehead a gentle kiss before leaving my room. This Saturday? This means I have a week to prepare, not like I'm even looking forward to it.

I lay down on my bed and start to fall asleep. You already know what happens, I woke up the next day sweating because of that same dream. Did past life me pissed off some dragons or something? It doesn't matter since I just forgot about it when I got out of bed, I just had to get dressed so I could go see Todoroki. It's a school day so he must be at school studying...But it wouldn't count as disturbing him if I bring lunchboxes consisting of food!

I decided to wear something cute yet casual before heading downstairs, also grabbing the lunchboxes I told Suzume to prepare for me. The outside of the lunchbox makes the inside of the food look promising, oh I'm already hungry just by thinking how it'll look. I ate breakfast with my family and had some fun of my own before leaving the castle, it's the evening so it has to be Todoroki's recess time. I arrived at the school in time since I drove there by car. Now to get in and find him...

Whispers were filling the air when I stepped foot inside the school, some knew me while some didn't, this is really uncomfortable. I asked directions from the other students and thanks to their help, I manage to make it to his classroom, his very well known in U.A High so it was easy. When I opened the door to his classroom, it was only Todoroki inside, he was sitting at his seat.

"Todoroki" I softly called out his name and it made him lift his head, making eye contact with me.

"What are you doing all alone?" I head towards his seat and sat on the empty chair beside him, he look at the lunchboxes I had just placed on his table. He then made an appreciated smile.

"I was busy daydreaming about you" Todoroki hold my hand and it was enough to make a girl like me blush.

"You must be hungry, here" I open the lunchbox along with the other smaller ones, I laugh at his cute reaction.

*I just made myself extremely hungry ;^;*

*I just made myself extremely hungry ;^;*

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