▪︎Our World▪︎

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It was the next day, I woke up to find Todoroki no longer beside me on the bed. Where did he go? The door opened and it revealed the man I was looking for, he was holding a tray of food when he walked in. He close the door behind him with his foot before placing breakfast on the drawer. That was the best sleep I've had in a long time. Todoroki got on the bed and started to give me morning kisses.

"I saved you the embarrassment by getting breakfast for you" E-Embarrassment? Don't tell me his family knew everything. I hid my flustered face into my palms, I'll never be able to talk to them face to face again.

"They promise not to tease you about it" Todoroki place a kiss on my forehead. He then pick up the chopsticks to feed me breakfast, I tried taking the chopsticks from him but he keeps moving it out of my reach. In the end I gave up and let him feed me.

"Let me just" He lean in and place a peck on my lips, I blush while he just laugh at my reaction. When I was done eating, he got up and left the room with the dirty plates.

This feeling...It feels too good. I'm finally engaged to the man I love and won't have to act a role I'm forced to do. I got out of bed and couldn't help but look at the wedding ring, it's so beautiful and sparkly. I still wonder how much this cost. It doesn't matter now because Todoroki is probably waiting for me, I look at his closet, he wouldn't mind if I borrow his clothes right? I shrug my shoulders and start to go through his closet.

 It doesn't matter now because Todoroki is probably waiting for me, I look at his closet, he wouldn't mind if I borrow his clothes right? I shrug my shoulders and start to go through his closet

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"His quite fashionable" Even though the pants feel a little loose, I'll be fine if it doesn't end up falling. I'm already embarrassed just by imagining it happen.

I took a deep breath before opening the door, be grateful Y/N, you're finally living the life you've always wanted. I open the door but my smile didn't last long when I saw Endeavor, he stop walking and look at me. His gaze was scary that it made me tense up. Damn it! If only I was one second late to opening the door then he'd just walk past the bedroom I'm staying in. He eye me carefully before continue walking away. I let out a relieved sigh.

"Y/N. You're..." Todoroki was lost for words when he saw my outfit. In his hand was some clothes that I assume he borrowed from his sister. That's so sweet of him!

"I can't complain. You look really cute in my clothes" Todoroki cup my cheek as he gave me a warm smile. I blush.

"Th-Thanks" I mumble.

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you something" Todoroki started closing in the distance between us, stopping when his mouth is close to my ear and that his arms were around my waist.

"We're gonna be paying our house a visit" He whisper to me. O-Our house? I bat my eyelashes at him, what are you trying to say sir?

"I love you Y/N. I can't wait to live in a house with just the two of us" Todoroki hugged me and rest his head on my shoulder. W-We're gonna be moving in together?! I smile as I hug him back.

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