▪︎Plan B▪︎

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I was forced to be awake early in the morning. I bet you can imagine me having dark circles under my eyes while the fashion designers were adjusting my body to make the wedding dress, the worse part is that I'll have to meet up with my forced future husband later in the afternoon. Yes, the wedding is gonna be taking place during night time, hopefully their security isn't as bad as last time, no shade by the way.

"Its time to get dress for your date with the prince, princess Y/N" The maids hand me a beautiful dress before leaving my bedroom, I look at it with an uneasy look. A date with a man I don't know? If only Todoroki was here to save me.

 A date with a man I don't know? If only Todoroki was here to save me

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I'm covered in strawberries, didn't knew that would happen. The maids then lead me to the garden when I told them I was done changing. Now that I think about it, where is Suzume? She is my lady in waiting and yet shes not here to escort me to places. I'm starting to worry because shes the one who helped me cover up my escape plan. I pat the maid's shoulder and she look at me.

"May I ask where is Suzume?" She made a troubled look.

"Well...because of how furious the king was, he kicked Suzume out of the castle because he thought she was helping you" My eyes went wide. What?!

"Where is she now?" The maid place her hands on my shoulder to calm me down.

"She is doing fine. She's working at a restaurant near here" I sigh. I can't believe Suzume was the one who had to pay for my mistakes, she deserves so much better.

"Prince Itsuki" The maid bow as I lift my head and made eye contact with a really handsome boy, his probably younger than me, just like Todoroki...

"Princess Y/N. I've heard a lot of gossips about you lately" He hold my hand and place a kiss on the back of it, I grin.

"And you believe them?" He scoff with a smirk.

"Hardly" I like this guy...His not that bad.

"May we go to our date now?" I nod and he hold my hand as he start to take us to the garden.

Don't even dare think I've fallen for this guy, my heart belongs to Todoroki and him only. The reason I'm being all nice is because I need to fix my image. People are gonna start calling me 'the princess who ran away from home just because she doesn't want to be a queen and wishes to be with the love of her life' if I don't act my part. I thank Itsuki when he help hold out the chair for me to sit on.

"If I may ask, why did you suddenly come back? I thought it would take an entire army to get you back here" He pour tea for me and once again, I thank his manners.

"I have my reasons but I don't think I can easily share them to people I just met" I drink my tea and hid my smirk with the cup. He didn't get angry but instead was making an impressed expression to what I just said. Wow I'm so cool...

"Point taken" The date wasn't anything to marvel about. We just talked to each other like any strangers would do, I learnt a lot from him and he seems like a nice guy. When the date was over, I hurry to find that maid I was talking to earlier.

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