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Thankfully I had some money on me so I could buy some clothes. All I bought was just a hood to hide my face, wow I really feel like red riding hood paying grandma a visit, hopefully theres no wolf. I manage to get past some students unnoticed and ask some directions from some seniors without being seen suspicious. I'm just a innocent girl, no need to tackle me to the ground.

I made it to Todoroki's dormitory, it was huge so I assume his not the only one living in it. I walk up the tiny staircase before stopping in front of the large front door. That's uh a big door. I knock on it as hard as I can because I don't think anyone is gonna hear me if I knock it gently, I felt my hand hurting after that, what is this door made out of?

"Hello?" The door opened to reveal a boy with green fluffy hair. I don't think that's Todoroki.

"Is Todoroki here?" He studies me for a second before blushing. Huh? What? Why?

"U-Uh" He was trembling a bit too. I'm starting to freak out, I'm just gonna...

I quietly walk past him and just decided to find Todoroki myself, it wasn't hard since I already see him after just taking a few steps inside the place. He didn't cared about his classmates watching us and hugged me like we haven't seen each other in years. I blush when he start to kiss me passionately on the lips, even though I have my eyes closed, I could feel his classmate staring at us.

"Hey have you guys seen Bakugou?" The guy with red hair ask. His friend shrug.

"Don't you remember? He says he won't be staying at the dormitory anymore, he seems to prefer staying at home" The girl with pink hair said, wow is she an alien?

"Probably homesick" The guy who looks like pikachu laughs.

"What are you doing here?" My eyes wander back to Todoroki when he opened his mouth, I quickly took out the necklace and hand it to him.

"I-I didn't have the time to buy you a present so I used this. Happy Birthday Todoroki" I smile, his cheeks turn incredibly pink as he also smile back. He look at the necklace and pick it up from my hands.

"You're the best present I could ask for" He put the necklace back into my hand and made me hold on to it, I blush feeling his lips pressed against my forehead.

"Today's your birthday Todoroki?" His classmates start to surround us like we're some celebrities. Oh no...I hide behind Todoroki.

"Yeah" He hold my hand and I actually feel safe just by feeling his warmth. Suddenly he drag me away from his classmates, taking me into his bedroom, that was...something.

"I hate this so much...Why can't we be together?" He pull me close and bury his face into my hair, I could feel my heart breaking when I heard him crying, his tear drops falling down to the ground.

We ended up laying on his bed and I admit, his bedroom is something I wasn't expecting, its really...Japanese. Apparently he fell asleep because of crying too hard, I let my hands run through his smooth hair and cup his chubby cheeks, he looks so peacefully asleep. I look at the clock to see that it's already night time. Shit! The guards are gonna report my disappearance to father! I gently remove Todoroki's arms from my body.

"Sweet dreams Todoroki" I leave a kiss on his cheek before quickly heading back to the castle.

I called an uber once I got out of U.A High. I was confuse when the uber driver start to take me to the opposite direction I wanted it to go, I nervously gulp as my hands try to reach for the door. When I grabbed the handle and try to open it, the uber driver had already locked the door. I nervously turn my head to the front to see the uber driver looking at me through the rearview mirror. Oh god...Don't tell me...

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