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"Step away from the princess. If you attack anyone then your hero ID will be taken away and same goes to your chances of being a hero" The captain said into the mic. I look at Todoroki, I can't read his mind but I can tell his trying so hard to think of a plan.

"I'm asking you once again, step away from the princess" The captain repeated but Todoroki didn't say anything, he just glare at Endeavor like he wants to kill him so badly.

"Step away!" The police officer yell and that made my heart race faster. I'm scared...so scared...

"Where is mother?" My voice echoes through my head.

"Shes...busy picking out flowers for you" I can't believe I was even smiling at father's pretty lies. The day mother was dying and yet he didn't told me about it, I didn't even got the chance to say goodbye...

"Last warning. If you don't move aside then we're gonna open fire" My eyes widened and so did Endeavor, I bet he didn't know this would happen. Todoroki in the other hand, wasn't bothered by it, he just stood there still emotionless.

"Shoto, think carefully-"

"I am!" Todoroki interrupted Endeavor. I grab on Todoroki's shirt and he looked at me, he was still able to give me those warm eyes even though we're in a situation like this.

"Ready" I could feel my soul leaving my body when the police officers lifted their guns, Todoroki took a deep breath and place a kiss on my forehead. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes.

"I love you" N-No, don't say that!


"No!" I push Todoroki away and I could see every bullets headed towards me all at once.

All the memories I had made were playing in my head like a film, no matter it's a bad or a good one, I still remember it. The day I cried during mother's funeral, the day Todoroki and I first met, and the day my father married my half brother's mother, it's all kept and remembered. I close my eyes and waited for the bullets to kill me, I was confuse when I felt them just bounce off my skin like nothing.

"Mm?" I open my eyes to find myself a few feet from the ground. What shocked me the most was that I noticed my body wasn't the same, I'm a dragon! I knew those dreams weren't just random!

"Don't shoot, that's the princess!" I look around and saw everyone looking at me in shock, I'm shocked myself. I look at Todoroki to find him proudly smiling at me.

"Get the tasers!" Wait what?! I signal Todoroki to get on top of me and he nod, he use his Ice Quirk to make it to my back. Okay so his riding me now um...

I was panicking as I watch the police officers went to their car to get the tasers. I'm a dragon right? I can fly. The problem is that how do I get these wings to work?! J-Just think of yourself as a plane Y/N. I quickly run away and possibly the meaning, trying to gain enough speed to lift into the air. I was glad when I notice my legs and hands starting to take off from the ground. Holy shit! Am I seriously flying? The momentum I had weakened when I felt something burning my leg.

"Y/N!" Todoroki was holding on to me so he wouldn't fall off. I look back to see it was Endeavor who did that, and here I was thinking I was the bad guy for protecting his son.

I decided to flew us in the sky for a while to enjoy the beautiful sunrise, I can't believe after all these years of trying to discover my Quirk, it took me this long to trigger it. Here I thought my power would be telekinesis, or maybe something cool like...Brain washing people! I felt my body becoming tired from the flying so I hurried to find a safe area for me to land.

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