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The sun was setting when I made it to U.A High, I was standing outside waiting for him to come out. Now that I think about it, I'm 19 years old and since Todoroki is younger than me...And he hasn't have his birthday yet...That means his...17! Despite the fact his gonna be graduating this year, he still has the attitude of a child, in a good way of course. Probably because his too pure. I smile when I saw him approaching me.

"My bun bun" He wrap me in his arms and I laugh feeling how ticklish his kisses are on my neck, wow slow down there, did you miss me that much?

"What's this?" He ask as he grab the invitation I was holding out to him, he open it with a curious expression. He really looks so much like a cat with that face.

"I'm invited to your gala? Are you sure I should go? What if I make things worse for you?" You could see a dozen of question marks hanging above his head right now, I just chuckle at his adorableness.

"You won't. Besides, I'll be able to escape from the princes if you're there" I wrap my arms around his neck and that made a smile spread across his face.

"I really love you so much. You never fail to make me feel special, I'm starting to feel spoiled by your love" He press his lips on my forehead and it was enough to make my heart give in to him. How will I live without you being here with me?

I spend the last remaining days preparing for the gala that will be planned by my father's assistant. It was challenging to make time for Todoroki but never impossible, even after a long day of getting everything ready, I can always smile when I see his face. It was now the night of the gala and my hands wouldn't stop shaking from the nerves, take a deep breath Y/N...I look at my reflection to take a look of the dress I'm wearing.

I look at my reflection to take a look of the dress I'm wearing

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Everything is gonna go well Y/N...As long as you don't make any eye contact with the princes then none of them would choose to marry you. Yeah I think that will work, just give them the cold shoulder and my plan will work. I start to walk out of my bedroom and to the carriage, letting it take me to where the gala was held. Once I made it and was now standing in front of the door to the ballroom. I felt like everything is gonna change...

"Her royal highness, Princess of the Nilsa family, Y/N" The gate open and revealed a ballroom filled with well dressed guests. Oh god, I haven't seen this many people after getting locked up in my bedroom...

I clear my throat and walk down the stairs to join the other guests, but my eyes were busy trying to find that someone special to me. I was confused when I didn't see him in sight. Perhaps his running late, he'll come soon. I ended up standing beside my father who is talking to the other kings. I didn't pay any attention to the conversation they were having because I was still checking the room. Where is he?

"Shoto Todoroki, son of-" Todoroki gave the person a sharp glare, causing him to stop talking. Guess he really hates his father...

But it doesn't really matter because his here now. I hurry my way towards him and pull him into a long warm hug, he smile and wrap his arm around me. If only we weren't in public then I would have give this boy tons of kisses. I move away from him so I could look at his face then slowly notising what he wore for the gala. He sure is late but his fashionably late.

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