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It was painful having to leave, me and Todoroki were standing outside the shack but none of us wanted to be the person to go, I look at our hands that were still holding on to each other, not wanting to let go. I look at Todoroki when he gently run his hand through my hair, enjoying this peaceful moment with me.

"Are you busy tomorrow?" Todoroki ask and I put on my thinking face, tomorrow's Sunday so...

"No" I smile.

"How about we meet up at the park? I want us to catch up" Todoroki pull me close and place a kiss on my forehead, I blush feeling his lips pressed against my skin.

"Meet you there at 8" I hesitated for a while before placing a kiss on his cheek, he blush as I walk away, heading back to the castle.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't born in a court life, but then again I wouldn't be able to meet Todoroki. I was heading up the stairs to my bedroom until someone stepped in my way, I lift my head to see it was the wicked step mother, I tried walking past her but she stood in my way again, I'm starting to think shes doing this on purpose.

"What do you want?" I scowl.

"You're the same as your father, idiots, complete idiots. My son should have been the next king but instead he gave it to an irresponsible girl such as yourself" She point at me as she start spitting all over my face, my face hardened as I wipe off her disgusting spit, does she not realise I'm my father's blood?!

"I don't care how many times you're gonna spit on me. I will not let a person like you rule over my land" We both glare at each other like our eyeballs are gonna pop out, she then put on a cheeky smile.

"Very well, goodnight Y/N" She bump her shoulders into mine when walking down the stairs, I roll my eyes before continuing walking back to my room.

I sat on the bed after closing the door and making sure its locked, I run my hand through my face, what was my father thinking?! Making me the future queen?! He could have told me so we could discuss things out, everything is happening so fast, I think I'm gonna pass out any second...I lay on the bed and bury my face into the pillow, I hope everything works out for me.

I open my eyes to find myself in that same cave, oh god not this dream again. I slowly walk out of the shadows and saw the dragon already waiting for me at the edge, this is...nice? Since it was sitting down then I thought it would make sense if I also sit down, it was watching my every move as if this dragon is my teacher. This is already scary...the mountain was quiet while I stare into it's dark red eyes.

"Y/N..." I could hear a whisper calling out my name, okay this just got scary real quick.

I felt my fear slowly taking over my body and the dragon somehow notice, it's almost it could smell my fear, before I get the chance to get up and run away. The dragon start to roar into my face like it would always do. I woke up and found myself sleeping on my bed, I sigh, at least it's over now. Why does it always have to be this same old dream?! This is getting ridiculous...

I instantly forgot about the dream when I remembered what Todoroki told me yesterday. The park! I look at the clock and notice I just have a few more minutes to get ready, I didn't waste another second and quickly jump out of bed. I'll deal with this dragon dream later, theres a date I have to get to. I didnt do much but put on something that will be enough to impress Todoroki.

 I didnt do much but put on something that will be enough to impress Todoroki

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