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The dining table was just filled with the sound of spoons and forks gently hitting the plate as we eat, dinner used to be delicious but it tastes so bitter. I look up to see my half brother having the same expression I'm making, he quickly force a smile when he notice his mother glaring at him. Poor guy, his almost like a puppet getting controlled by her.

"So Princess Y/N, how was your day out in the opens? Delightful?" She had that cheeky smile I've always hated. I fake a smile.

"Very. I hope to go outside again tomorrow, probably go for a walk around the park" I rolled my eyes when she finally look away, talking to her is a living nightmare, knowing how she likes to play the good parent in front of my father.

"I'm full, goodnight everyone" I hurry up the stairs and into my bedroom, what has happened to our family? I sigh.

I sat on my bed and look around my room, even though the insides of the castles have changed but this room will never. I then pick up the necklace I left on the drawer earlier, it was just next to my bed so I didn't had to get up again. I look at it with a bittersweet smile, I really miss you, I wish you were here with me like we promised each other. I lay down and hold the necklace close to me as I slowly drift away into a dream.

I felt my body sweating, not able to sleep comfortably like I always do. This dream was just images of a dragon flying towards me, as if it's trying to go through my body, everything was flashing at once that it made me wake up. I touch my face to feel it covered by cold sweat, I look out the window to see it's still night time, if I fall back to sleep then I'm definitely gonna go back to that dream. I grab the necklace and look at it...

"I wonder..." I got out of bed and changed out of my sleepwear, wearing something suitable for me to sneak out the castle.

I quietly tip toe my way through the hallway and down the stairs, I was glad when there was nobody around, hopefully their asleep now. I open the door and left the castle, that was a piece of cake! Now you might be wondering what I'm doing going out in the middle of the night, well I wanted to visit someone I've missed and lost a few years ago...

"Mom..." I stood in front of her grave which was decorated by the flowers.

"I wish you were still here, this place just doesn't seem right without you" I let out a shaky breath. Remembering the last day we met...

The day where she played with me at the backyard. I wouldn't ask her to chase me if I knew she was badly sick, I bet it must be tiring for her to run around with her weak body. I silently cry as I let the tears drop on the grass. I know you were trying to protect me from the truth but I wished I had known so I could at least do something to help you...

"Y/N?" I wipe away my tears when I heard my half brother approaching me from behind, he stop and stood beside me.

"You must miss her and I don't blame you. From the stories dad had told me, she really sounds like a mother I wished I had" I look over to see him frowning at the picture of my mother. I sigh with a defeated look.

"She would have loved to know you" I look away when I felt my half brother looking at me, I know I always give you the cold shoulder but you're not all bad like your mother.

I could feel my mind being able to relax when I felt him holding my hand and the other on my shoulder, trying his best to ease the pain in my heart. I always tell myself theres no use in thinking back to the painful memories but I always ended up betraying my own words. I felt my eyes sparkle when I saw the sun rising from the horizon.

"Let's head inside and get ready for the day" I hesitate for a moment, taking one last look of mother's grave before following my half brother inside the castle.

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