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After doing the pregnancy scan, the doctors and the nurses walked out the room to give me and Todoroki some privacy. We're gonna be having a daughter. I look at Todoroki when I felt him holding my hand, he wasn't saying anything but I knew what he wants to say just by his gaze. He blush when I press my lips on his. You're not the only one who likes to steal kisses.

"Come on lay down. You need some rest" Todoroki gently push me back on the bed. I pout, I know it's already night time but I don't want to go to sleep so soon.

"I'm nervous. Do you think I'd make a good mother?" Todoroki softly chuckled as he got up from the chair to place a kiss on my forehead.

"You'd be an awesome mother" Todoroki place his hand on my tummy to feel the baby moving inside. I smile.

This week went by pretty nice. Todoroki decided to take a break from his hero work so he could take care of me 24/7. At first I wanted to change his mind and let him do his job as a hero but in the end I lost since he was being ignorant. Today was a Saturday and also the day we would be relaxing for our honeymoon. Sigh, if that villain didn't crashed the wedding then we would be able to travel without worrying about any more villain attacks. Worse of all, I never got the chance to see the fireworks.

"What's wrong?" Todoroki ask when he saw the upset look I had on my face.

"Are you angry at me for not going to work?" He cup my face and I blush. That's not it...

"Say something" He pout. His face inches apart from mine.

"Something" I said which made him chuckle. What? You told me to say something.

"Is being pregnant making you a moody baby?" He rub my tummy while I just stare at him, my lips then form a smile on it's own. I just can't resist that face.

"I love you two so much" Todoroki kissed me on the cheek then another on my huge belly. I laugh seeing him rest his head on top of it.

"I'm so excited to meet you" Todoroki nuzzle his forehead on my belly and I have to admit, it was cute but also ticklish for me.

"What should we name our daughter?" Todoroki look at me while still having his head resting on my belly. Hm...I put on my thinking face.

"How about something that rolls the tongue? Like...Mizuki Todoroki" Todoroki's eyes light up and I tense up. Is it that bad?

"Okay let's not go with that then-"

"No I like it" Todoroki smile as he hold my hand. He lift his head from my tummy when the door opened.

"I don't want to intrude but it's time" The nurses said. Todoroki nod before looking back at me.

"I'll be outside okay?" He kiss me on the lips before getting up and leaving me in the hospital room with the nurses.

If you don't know what's going on, I'm actually gonna be giving birth today. I watch as the nurses help me get ready. I'll just be honest, I'm totally not ready for this. I'm about to push a huge ass baby out of my vagina! Gosh, thinking about the pain makes it even worse for me to keep my cool. I lay my head back on the pillow when I was in the suitable position of giving birth. Okay I got this. I'm a badass aren't I? I manage to outsmart assassins.

8 hours later
"AHHHH!" I shout as I push the baby out. I felt like all the pain was gone once it was out of me.

"Congratulations your majesty" The nurse hand me my baby that was crying from being spank by the butt. It's so that she'll stay alive by the way.

"Y/N?" Todoroki walked in after the nurse allowed him to. I wasn't paying any attention to him because I was too busy letting the baby hold my finger, I smile seeing her looking at me with her beautiful turquoise eyes, the same as her father's.

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