▪︎Baby Situation▪︎

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Author's P.O.V
It was just another quiet day in the castle. Servants moving up and down to prepare breakfast for the Nilsa family and setting up their schedules. It was busy for them but not for dear Mizuki. She was still sleeping in her bedroom, the exact same bedroom Y/N used to stay in. Well it was Aquilla's idea of letting her stay in her mother's old bedroom since Mizuki wanted to live the life her mother lived.

"Mizuki?" Aquilla softly called out her name as he walked in her bedroom. He tried to be quiet when he notice her still sleeping.

"Wake up. We have a lot of things to do today" Aquilla gently shake Mizuki and she woke up after a few trys. She blink a couple of times to clear her vision.

"Ok..." She said still feeling sleepy. Aquilla smiled and lift her up from the bed, carrying her downstairs and into the dining room. Then settling her into her seat.

"Today's food. Some delicious chicken to fit your appetite, your mother told me you liked them" Aquilla chuckled seeing Mizuki's eyes lit up by the food placed before her. She wasn't sleepy anymore but instead hungry.

Making myself hungry too

"Ah good morning Mizuki" Her grandfather that is Y/N's father, walked in the dining room to join them for breakfast

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"Ah good morning Mizuki" Her grandfather that is Y/N's father, walked in the dining room to join them for breakfast.

I guess you can say that the first day of babysitting Mizuki is going well. Nothing bad is happening, no incidents so far. When Mizuki was done eating the chicken and getting her hands along with his mouth dirty, the maids took her to the bathroom to give her a bath, but not just any bath. It's a special kind where she'll get massages and anything she desires. Isn't she living the life?

"Would you want some bubbles princess Mizuki?" She excitedly nod and the maids start to do their magic

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"Would you want some bubbles princess Mizuki?" She excitedly nod and the maids start to do their magic. Creating huge bubbles just like she wish for.

What else can a person ask for? Enjoying a warm bath while you get to eat strawberries and a massage from your maids. This is practically heaven. Moving on, when Mizuki is done getting changed into her little gown. The tragedy starts right here in this very hallway. It was a huge mistake for Aquilla to not keep his eyes on her even when Y/N told him she had a Quirk now.

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