▪︎Both Sides▪︎

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We didn't do much for the month, though it was enjoyable to spend alone time with Todoroki. Since the day we escaped from the police, we didn't left with any other clothes so we're stuck wearing the same clothes from that day. I'm now drinking water from the ice cup Todoroki made while I watch him build shelter. Of course sleeping on the bench is nice but its not nice knowing Todoroki's sleeping on the grass...

I could feel some water dripping out of my mouth by the view. Todoroki was wearing a white t shirt and some jeans, it was a hot day so it explains why his sweating so much, but I have to admit it makes him ten times hotter, the sweat rolling down his muscles...He look at me when he was done nailing the last wood, he smirk seeing me quickly wipe the water off my collarbone, well that was embarrassing. I blush as I look the other way.

It wasn't long until it got dark, I lay inside the shelter, although its not completely safe like a house but at least we'll have cover when it starts to rain. Todoroki wrap his arms around my body and gently stroke my head as he softly hum me to sleep. I don't know how I'll be able to make it this far if he wasn't with me. Todoroki stop humming and that made me open my eyes, I look at him.

"I'm scared, what if one day, the police finds you? I don't want us to be separated again..." Todoroki had a troubled gaze and I could tell his already imagining it happening. I got on top of him and made him focus on me.

Nsfw Warning
"We'll never be separated. I'm here, aren't I?" I cup his cheeks and he nod, I lower my body so I could kiss him on the lips. He grab the back of my neck to deepen it, I could feel my face heating up because of how erotic the kiss is. He finally let go of me so I could catch my breath, gosh I feel like I'm gonna pass out by how good that felt.

"Happy Birthday Y/N" He suddenly roll me over, making me the one who's being pinned down to the ground. Well that escalated quickly. He lower his body to reconnect his lips on mine, his hands letting go of my arms and slowly going down to my thighs. I blush feeling him moving closer to me, it's like he doesn't want there to be space between us.

His tongue also going down from my mouth to my neck, I softly moan feeling him start to tease me by seductively licking my neck like a cat. I could hear him chuckling by seeing my face being entirely red. He then move away from me and I watch him take off his shirt, showing me his exposed chest. Are we really doing this? We're doing this right? This is a sign right? I was panicking while Todoroki help take off my clothes for me. Why am I even panicking? I'm 21 now.

"You can tell me to stop if you're uncomfortable with this" Todoroki look at my body then back at my eyes, I bite on my bottom lip and shake my head.

"Don't stop" I said and I could see all the lust appearing in his eyes at once. He push me back down on the ground and started to kiss my lips aggressively, not giving me the chance to catch my breath.

While he was kissing my collarbone, his hands went to unhook my bra and when he was done, he threw my bra away like it was nothing. This is a side of him I sure can get use to. I blush when I felt his hands grab my breast, he decided to gently bite on my nipples with his hands both massaging my breast. I throw my head back as I softly moan by his touch, the way his tongue swirls around my nipple makes me more turned on.

"Wow" Todoroki look down and notice some of my juice leaking from my pussy, he chuckle.

"Do you love me that much?" Todoroki ask as he gently rub my clit with his middle finger, slowly fastening the pace and making my moans becoming louder by how good it felt.

"Come for me, tell me how much you love my fingers" I could see his finger aggressively rubbing my clit and creating a wet sound from it. My body was not able to stay still because I was so close to coming.

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