▪︎Helping Hand▪︎

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I woke up the next day with a question in my head. What can I do to gain back the public's trust? That's a hard question because it's not like I can read minds. Which is why I decided to ask help from my half brother who seems to know a thing or two about topics like this. I knock on his bedroom door and it took him a while to answer, he was surprised to see it was me instead of his servant. I don't know if it's good surprise or bad surprise but let's just say his surprised.

"What do you want?" He lean against the doorway and that's a sign, its telling me he was bad surprised.

"I just wanted to thank you for what you did to help me yesterday. I really do appreciate it" His expression softens a bit and then slowly turning back to his friendly face.

"What is it you need? You never show up at my door unless you need something from me" I awkwardly grit my teeth. Was it that obvious? I really need to learn how to socialize with people...

"I just...I saw the news and it feels like people are starting to think twice before supporting me as the queen, I was thinking if you had any idea to help me deal with it" I was eager to hear his idea when he start to put on his thinking face. He click his tongue.

"You can't really make people suddenly support you after what you did, its almost like telling someone to trust you after you betray them" The way he said it made me feel like he just threw all the faith I still had in me, right out the window.

"But...I think I have a solution" My eyes light up after feeling the faith that was thrown away, flew back to me from the window. He invite me inside his bedroom so we could talk properly without standing in the middle of the hallway.

"I heard there was an earthquake around the parts of Japan, its further away from where we live but maybe the people will appreciate it if we donate some things to help. Not to mention we'll be able to make good connections with the Lorcan family, they do own some of the buildings there...Not to mention you might be able to meet someone special" Even an idiot could tell his smirking at me. I lift both my hands up like a caught criminal.

"Alright you got me. Just don't tell anyone I was hoping to see him okay?" You probably know who I'm referring to right now. Aquilla tried to control his laughter while nodding.

"Now go get dress and wear something good" He playfully shove me out of his bedroom so I could get things started. Wear something good you say...

What's better than an outfit wanting to spread positivity? I went downstairs and in the dining room to eat breakfast with the others

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What's better than an outfit wanting to spread positivity? I went downstairs and in the dining room to eat breakfast with the others. Once me and my half brother were full, we got in the car that was prepared by the servants. Aquilla said that it will be better if we went there low profile, people will think we're doing this for clout if we arrive there like we're going to a movie premiere. It totally makes sense when his the one explaining things to me.

Since its further away from our town, it will take us probably half an hour to make it there. There are also trucks following us from behind which are carrying the supplies we will be giving to the victims of the earthquake. I look out the window and enjoyed the sight of us driving past the rice fields, I know this won't happen but I really wish Todoroki will show up. We might be able to have our own fun if we have time to spare...

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