▪︎Get Ready!▪︎

518 17 7

Just like that, a day has passed by. I woke up to find Todoroki's arms still wrapped around me. I didn't wanted to wake him up so I just stayed in bed and cuddled with him. How did I not notice how muscular he is? My hands moved on it's own and I start to touch his chest. Does he work out a lot? My hands went lower to feel his abs. So hot...I tense up when I heard him chuckling.

"Were you that bored?" Todoroki grin at my flushed cheeks. I couldn't help it.

"Y/N...I was thinking...that we should have a wedding since we're engaged" He slip his hand into mine and it felt really nice feeling the warmth of his palm on mine. I look back at him.

"B-But are you sure you want to have a wedding? I-I mean, it's just it'll be all over the news and I'm not sure if you want to deal with the fact our relationship becoming public" Todoroki cup my cheeks to make me stop worrying and just focus on his eyes. I softly smile as I gave in to his touch.

"That's the point of a wedding. I want everyone to know you're married to me and nobody else" I laugh when he begin to give me morning kisses. Stop its ticklish!

"Come here" He hold me close so he could nibble with my ear. I laugh while trying to escape from his embrace. My face was heating up from the laughter, it feels like I'm about to explode. He then stop and decide to enjoy the moment of me being happy.

"I'll go book us an appointment with a wedding planner. You stay in the bedroom and get enough rest for you and the baby okay?" He got up and look at me. I made an okay sign to tell him I understood everything he said.

I watch him get dress before walking out the bedroom. Get enough rest for me and the baby? That's something I can do. You probably already know how the month went. Just me staying home resting while Todoroki head out finding a job, for example being a hero. It was hard at first but he manage to get the role, it was all because of his father Endeavor. Well he is a pro hero so of course he would have a hero agency that Todoroki can be apart of.

It wasn't just these things that happened. My tummy also grew bigger which somehow scares me a little, and Todoroki and I had a lot of fun choosing the themes of the wedding and me with the wedding dresses. I'm now sitting on the ground watching Todoroki work out in the gym. His a hero and definitely has a body of one, I raised my eyebrows as I take a sip of the water. He put down the weight once he was at his limit, then getting up and wiping the sweat off his face with the towel wrapped around his neck.

"How long have you been there?" Todoroki smile seeing me quietly drink my water. I shrug my shoulders.

"Probably an hour now" He laugh as he sat down beside me on the ground. I took another sip of my water while I let him run his hand through my hair.

"Our wedding is gonna be in a few days" I blush when he use his tongue to drink up the water that were rolling down from my mouth. I think I might just pass out.

"Oh have you finished your wedding vow yet?" I choked on my own saliva when he brought that up. The wedding vow! Relax Y/N, he can't know you haven't done it yet.

"What about you?" I nervously smile.

"I already wrote mine and I think you'll like it" He remove a piece of my hair so he could place a kiss on my forehead. He then got up and went upstairs to clean up. I'm so screwed...I haven't even wrote a single word yet.

Which is why I forced my lazy ass to grab a pen and a piece of paper. I didn't had to worry about Todoroki finding out I didn't do my vow since he had already left for work, I wish him luck on completing his first mission as a hero. Now back to me trying to do this wedding vow, I anxiously bite on the nail of my thumb with the pen in my hand and my eyes staring at the piece of paper on the table before me.

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