1:there and panic

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We had arrived at the man of Iron's tower I was bloody and brused I was scared but didn't show it.

We walk in my brother had a hold of my shoulder so I couldn't run but he felt no need for any restrictions or restraints. Tony was sitting on the couch in the lounge room. I could feel my hear drop as I thought of all the things he could do to me while I stay here I did throw him out of a window and he deserves to get some type of revenge.

"Point Break how have you been" he says out of an instinct he hadn't looked over yet but he could tell that Thor was here he didn't even know I was coming. It was obvious at this point I didn't know how much longer I could keep my self standing I was injured and I was scared and didnt know what to do I started to get lost in my thoughts. I stumble a bit and I feel some ones hands to large to be Tonys so they had to be my brothers,Thors he is not my brother. Odin made that very clear.

I snap out of my thoughts at the feeling of his hand holding me up by around my torso part of his arm went around my arm which had cuts all over them the slight pain is what brought me back. I realise that I was hidden behind my brother I wondered how long I was stuck in my thoughts for.

"So I will be stuck baby sitting your brother. The same brother that through me out of a window. And-" my brother cut him off by carefully pulling me infrount of him.

"Th-that is the same Loki that...wow he looks like shit" Tony was at a loss for words he didn't know what to say about me...and it didnt surprise me. But what did was he blanked out for a moment as if he was remembering something. His expression changes from normal over dramatic complaining one to a much sadder one.

What surprised me even more was when Anthony said "he can stay I will call Banner and he can fix him up it might not be the safest option but I can't fix humans I am a mechanic so he is our best bet" Tony had walked up to the couch again and grabed his phone and called the Green Monster man. Who at the moment I dont think is the green monster but it still scares me to think about what could happen next.


It dosnt take long for Banner to get to the Stark towers I was not exactly fond of the thoughts I was having I was slowly making my self up to the point of a panic attack if I didn't stop thinking.

Tony had looked over at me as he walks up to the door he had looked like he was expecting the worse and so was I and Thor. It was a surprise that I was still awake I was and had lost a lot of blood.

Banner hadn't gone all crazy and turned in to the green monster. It stung a little as he patched me up but noting I couldn't handle I was still panicking one the inside though. I didn't know what would happen after Thor left back to Asgard I didn't want to know. Thor had to go back to Asgard to try and find a way to release me from my punishments that I didnt fully deserve.

When Banner was done it was late and Thor had left I was tired to say the least but I couldn't sleep not now I wouldnt sleep here they would do something I know they will.

They might not be bad people but any of that would change for some sweet revenge and I know that much. Tony looks at me for a moment in the silence before Banner starts to speak "I have to leave if you need anything just call and I will be here as fast as possible." Is what banner says Tony stands up from the couch and wishes his friend a safe trip home and says his good byes I was going to wave but I couldn't move my arms all to well.

Tony comes and sits back down next to me "what all did they do to you" he sounded concerned and looked concerned to. I didn't answer at first " tell me Raindear"Tony presses.

"WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU, YOU DONT CARE THE ONLY REASON I AM STAYING HERE IS BECAUSE OF MY BRO- because of Thor" I was yelling until I almost said brother instead of Thor and it caught me off guard.

If Odin heard me say that he would be so mad. He would come torture me himself again.

"I didn't do this just because of Thor and you can trust me on that. And I do care and again not because of Thor. ... Ok Raindear" Tony says still in a calm voice it was quite like a whisper but louder then that but not normal speaking. He some how sounds believable but I couldnt trust him I didn't know if I could I was scared and tryed not to show it but it showed but only he could tell not just because he was the only on in the room.

He could see it in my eyes as if he had enough experience with this exact thing. I could see it in his eyes that he knew I was scared. But I still tryed to not show it. I didnt say anything I just shook my head no at him in a silent protest.

"I know your scared you can trust me, please just at least tell me something that they did so I can help you" Tony said still in that same tone of voice. "YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING YOU THINK YOU DO BUT YOU DONT YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN TORTURED BEFOR SO YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO TALK!!" I yelled at the time I didnt know about Afghanistan. "But I was". ...

Clif hanger...
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