1- Rejected

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"No kid you can't be a hero." All Might said

Midoriya was crushed by the very man he looked up to since he was a kid. He fell to his knees and cried. Then Midoriya stood up and looked at All Might dead in the eye, sending a cold chill down All Mights spine. Midoriya gave him a look of pure hatred.

"I HATE YOU!" Midoriya said while pointing at All Might. All Might just looked at Midoriya sadly.


With that Midoriya stormed off.

I'm done. I don't want to be a hero, or a villain. I also don't want to be a bystander anymore! what can I be... Midoriya thought as he ran into his house ignoring his mom and running straight to his room. He grabbed one of the All Might figures he had, he stared at it for a while.


He slammed the figure on the ground, he lost it at that moment and tore up every All Might themed item he had in his room. (which was quite a lot)

What a mess. Midoriya thought as he looked around his room

He didn't notice but his mom was pounding on the door, crying the whole time. He opened the door. She immediately hugged Midoriya then she let go and looked around his room.

"What happened!?" Inko (mother) said

Midoriya opened his mouth to speak but couldn't get any words out before he started crying right in front of his mother. She went to hug but he yelled "NO!" which caused her to jump a bit.

"Zuzu (midoriya's nickname) it's okay! I'm not mad at the mess, we can clean it toge-"

"It's not that mom.."

he took a deep breathe and said it.


he looked at his mom with tears streaming out of his eyes, she hugged him tightly and said "You can be a hero Zuzu." Midoriya pushed away, which shocked Inko.

"I- I don't want to be a hero anymore mom.. I don't want to be a villain either, Or a bystander!"

Inko wide eyed by what Midoriya said, she then sighed and said.

"Why not become a vigilante...like me?"

"A vigilante? Wait what's a vigilante? You're a Vigilante? Why didn't I know about this?" Asked Midoriya who had calmed down and now was in pure shock.

Inko laughed a bit at the sudden questions "A vigilante is someone who saves people, like a hero. But they do it against the law. I am a vigilante, and I didn't tell you because I didn't know If you could handle it. I'm sorry Zuzu."

"I'm in."

"What?! No Zuzu it's to dangerous!" Inko said while grabbing Midoriya's shoulders shaking them a bit.

"Then train me." Midoriya said with determination in him, Which Inko saw, and said.

"Fine. Let's start training then!" Inko said as she let go of Midoriya's shoulders and reached her hand out to Midoriya, waiting for him to grab it.

He cautiously grabbed it, as soon as he did she threw him over the shoulder. "WH-AT!!" He gasping for air.

"You are going to need to say on alert at all times, grab my hand again. No tricks this time I promise Zuzu." Inko said while smiling.

Midoriya slapped her hand and got up himself, she clapped while saying "You learned, good. Lets go." Inko then motioned Midoriya to follow her. He did so cautiously.

"You know how to get to that beach with lots of trash on it Zuzu?" Inko asked Midoriya, he nodded. "Good! Meet you there!" she said while getting into the car locking the doors, she rolled the window down a bit and said "You need to work on your stamina Zuzu, run there. I'll be waiting!" She sped off towards the beach.

I want this, I need this. Midoriya thought as he was running, already 2 minutes in struggling. About 30 Minutes later and 3 Miles, he made it to the beach sweating like crazy. Inko was doing push ups (Pretend Inko isn't a bit chubby) she noticed him and stood up saying.

"You took a while, you sure you want to do this Zuzu?" Inko said.

"Yes, I want this I need this!"

This was the start to Midoriya becoming a well known vigilante...

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