21- Problem Child

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"Mirio, why were you so scared of that guy?" Mirio suddenly grabs my hand violently and runs with me.

"What the fuck! YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION!" I struggle in his grip.

"That guy sells drugs he's dangerous, Nighteye agency is on a mission going after him! You'll tell Nighteye everything you saw once we get there!" Mirio says while still running with me.

I always get myself into these situations...


Mirio seriously dragged me all the way to the Nighteye agency..I haven't even informed Aizawa on the situation. 

"Midoriya, Nighteye is waiting for you go ahead and go in." Mirio says, he seems on edge so I give him a smile to calm him down a bit. 

I open the door and see a green haired male with glasses, who I assume is Nighteye.

"Sit." Nighteye says sternly, I do so.

"I heard from Mirio you ran into the masked man, in other words Overhaul." I nod in response.

"I'm going to need you to give me short description on what happened." 

"Sounds easy enough." I say with a nod before taking a deep breath. 

"Basically I ran into the masked man chasing a girl who he said was his daughter she didn't want to go back to him, I tried getting her away from him but in the end she ended up running back to the man. This girls name is Eri." 

"Why'd she run back?" Nighteye asked. 

"Well I saw Overhaul take off his gloves and then the girl saw it too and ran back to him, almost as if she tried protecting us." I said.

Nighteye pinches the bridge of his nose, sighs then looks up at me sternly. 

"Don't make me regret this choice, Midoriya welcome to the agency. You'll be joining us on a mission to capture this man, I assume you've heard he's dangerous drug dealer. This drug can permanently rid of a quirk." My eyes widen.

Permanently get rid of a quirk..how? 

"Before you came I called Aizawa, he's outside. Worried." I dismiss myself and low and behold Aizawa is standing outside the door.

How'd he know, wait Nighteye he sounds familiar wait, he worked with All Might! His quirk is telling the future

"Midoriya! You worried me..let's head back to the dorms it's late explain everything while we head back." Aizawa says.

I told him everything on the way back, to put it short he was shocked. I didn't know this, but he was meant to go on the mission too, he's apparently been in pursuit of this guy for months.

"I just got notified that a meeting is being held tomorrow Midoriya you're attending alongside Nighteye and The Big Three." Aizawa says as puts his phone away. 

"I guess I should head to bed then, see you tomorrow Sensei." I walk towards my dorm and immediately prepare to sleep.

What a long day..Eri please be ok.. I then slowly drifted off to sleep.

I turn around to see Overhaul and Eri, we're on a tall building. Eri is on the edge.

"Calm down please Overhaul, this isn't the way to do things!" I shout, he laughs.

"You should've never gotten involved Midoriya. You should've just walked away, you'll face the consequences now." Overhaul says he then goes towards Eri and pushes her off the edge. I rush to the edge and without thinking. I Jump. 

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