12- Vengeance

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Iida was shocked by Midoriya but hugged back.

"I'm sorry, Iida. I know what I did was very wrong. Please accept this apology." Midoriya said while letting go of Iida. "I accept, it was also wrong of me to forcefully try and help." Iida said.

"I still do stand by what I said, I won't be getting close to you or Uraraka. My apologies, I hope we can at least all be on normal terms." Iida and Uraraka nodded.

"For Shoto it may take some time but I'm sure he'll forgive you eventually!" Uraraka said, Midoriya nodded. "Also Midoriya you didn't miss much, I simply called you down here so you had an opportunity to apologize, sorry." Uraraka said. 

Midoriya rolled his eyes, deep down he was thankful for the girls actions. "Well if that's the case I'm tired, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Midoriya waved to the two and walked towards his dorm. 

Midoriya made it to his dorm and laid on the bed, just as he was about to fall asleep his phone buzzed.

Why can't I just sleep in peace! Midoriya thought as he reached for his phone looking at notifications.

A message? From an unknown number? Midoriya thought as he opened the message.

Unknown- Midoriya. Uraraka and Iida told be about what happened. I'll let it slide this once but stay away from them.

Shoto..I should apologize, he probably still thinks I'm an ass. Who wouldn't. Midoriya thought.

Midoriya- Shoto can we talk tomorrow after school. 

Shoto- If it's to apologize, forget it. You wanted to be alone? So, be alone. 


"Damnit, I'm such an idiot!" Midoriya said as he threw his phone at the wall causing a sharp pain to go through his wrist. 

Fuck that hurt well I guess I should replace this bandage. Midoriya thought as he went to the bathroom and re-bandaged his wrist. Midoriya couldn't sleep that night, he felt guilty for pushing people away he knew it was for their good and his.

Midoriya slept about an hour, he went to brush his teeth and he had dark bags under his eyes.

 I look uglier than before. Midoriya thought as he brushed his teeth staring at his reflection, he then got dressed, grabbed his now cracked phone, and headed out the door towards class.

He entered the class and sat down, he basically slept through the entire class only a few times did Aizawa wake Midoriya up but after a few more times he gave up on trying and let Midoriya sleep. Lunch came around and nothing eventful happened it was the same as before. 

He was a loner just how he liked it, yeah it was hard sometimes but it was easy to deal with it. 


Midoriya was in class playing with his pencil waiting for Aizawa's arrival so class could start, during the month Midoriya was given permission by Nezu and AIzawa to patrol which he was glad about! Today though he wasn't able to so he wondered why.

Aizawa walked in. "If you've forgotten we're going to training camp tomorrow, we'll be there for a few weeks." Everyone in class eyes widened so did Midoriya's.

I forgot about that, I should probably head to the mall today to get some extra stuff. Midoriya thought as he stared at Aizawa, after Aizawa's speech he simply went back to teaching his lesson. 

Midoriya of course payed no attention, he was pretty smart and already knew the stuff he taught.


I guess I should head to the mall. Midoriya thought as he got up and walked out of UA grounds towards the mall. He felt people staring at him so he  looked behind him and saw a few other students from 1A following.

I guess I'm not alone, that's fine I guess. Midoriya thought, Midoriya entered the mall.

Where should I go first?  Midoriya thought just then he heard someone call his name.

"Are you Reject, I mean Izuku Midoriya. That's crazy I'm a big fan." The person said while wrapping their arm around his neck. 

"Let go. Now." Midoriya said as the person put four fingers around his neck. 

"Shigaraki." Midoriya said.

"I just want to talk Midoriya, listen I could kill you In a instant by putting my fifth finger on your neck. I could kill twenty maybe even hundreds of people." Shigaraki said. Midoriya knew he was right.

"Fine, let's talk." Midoriya said.

"Good choice, lets sit. First I hate everything, the hero killer and his attention." Shigaraki said.

"I thought he was with you?" 

"He was, but he got caught by some stupid kids, speaking of you were that random kid weren't you?" Shigaraki said tightening the grip on Midoriya's neck.

Can't breathe damnit. Midoriya didn't show his panic and nodded towards Shigaraki, Shigaraki loosened his grip. 

"Damn you and those other students, why did you even join UA? Why not join us honestly, they forced you into something you didn't even want. They imprisoned your mother and haven't even let you see her." Shigaraki said in a disgusted tone.

"You may have a point, but at the same time me and your goals are total opposites. You want to take people in and give them vengeance, I want to save people from their issues giving them a future." Midoriya said. 

Shigaraki tighten the grip again, "Wrong choice of words Midoriya." 

Shit shit shit, can't breathe! Midoriya thought as his vision went a bit blurry he grabbed Shigaraki's hand trying to get it off but it didn't budge.

"Midoriya who's this?" Midoriya looked up to see Uraraka and Iida. With that Shigaraki's grip loosened and Midoriya saw him reach in his pocket. 

"Uraraka, Iida. I'm fine really, go away. NOW GO!" Shigaraki then completely let go of Midoriya, in which he started coughing violently. 

"My bad I'll be on my way, see you later Midoriya! Follow me and you'll regret it." Shigaraki whispered the last part so only Midoriya could hear it.

 Shigaraki was about to get up when Midoriya grabbed his arm, Shigaraki immediately grabbed Midoriya's arm with four fingers.

"What's the point in all of this chaos you're causing." Midoriya whispered.

"Like you said vengeance." Shigaraki whispered as he snatched his arm away from Midoriya. 

"Midoriya watch yourself, next time we meet I'll most likely make up my mind and kill you." Shigaraki said loud enough for Uraraka and Iida to hear. Shigaraki then walked into the crowd disappearing. 

"Did he hurt you! Uraraka call the authorities!" Iida said while he made his way to Midoriya who held his neck which had a red handprint. 

"I'm fine you guys really saved me back there. I Appreciate it." Midoriya said, Iida just smiled and nodded. 

"I told you to stay away from us." Midoriya looked around to see who said it, Shoto was walking towards him.

"Shoto, he was just attacked give him a breather. We saw it and helped out." Uraraka said as she hung up the phone. Shoto stared at Midoriya with wide eyes as he examined his neck seeing the handprint. 

"Authorities are coming, they said they'll need you for an interrogation." Uraraka said Midoriya just nodded he didn't want to speak of the incident.

Shigaraki, you seem to be the only person who actually understands me. What have you been through to turn you into such a villain. Is it any different from my suffering? Would I have became a villain like you if I had lost myself any further. Midoriya thought.

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