14- Future Heroes

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Kota was sobbing, he tackled MIdoriya into a hug. Midoriya couldn't help but hug back. 

This kid reminds me of myself. That's why I'm growing this soft spot... Midoriya thought as he let go of the kid

"Let's head back Kota, It's getting late. 



Me and Kota were joking about my vigilante experiences.

"Then the man shouted "That's me money!" honestly he reminded me of Mr. Krabs!" I said, Kota bursted into laughter. 

I felt eyes on us so I looked up to see Mandalay staring at us as we approached the area. 

"Kota! Midoriya! You both seem to be getting along!" Mandalay said smiling greatly at Kota and me. 

Kota tried acting serious but ended up bursting into laughter. 

I'm glad that I got the kid to laugh. I thought.

"Midoriya can I speak to you alone, Kota head inside it's pretty late." Mandalay said, me and Mandalay watched as Kota ran off. 

"So what did you want to talk about Mandalay?" I said she then burst into tears, I'll admit I'm not the best at comforting others so I awkwardly pat her back.

"I'm fine I'm ok! Thank you Midoriya I've haven't seen Kota so happy in what seems like forever." Mandalay said.

"Oh, it's was nothing really.." I was interrupted by Kota running by us towards his hideout. 

"I forgot something! I'll be quick!" Kota said while running off. 

"Oh yeah we kind of started our activity for tonight, Aizawa excused you from it so don't worry Midoriya."

So I should be good to sleep, showing emotions is so exhausting. 

"That's nice, I'm heading to sleep I am exhausted." I said as I waved back to Mandalay. 

I was about to walk away when I smelt something...burning? I turned to see smoke coming out of the forest.

"Say Mandalay does the activity have anything to do with smoke and fire!" I screamed, panicked. 

"I'm going into the forest to check it out, go get Kota!" I nodded and ran towards the hideout. 


I can't believe I spoke to THE Reject! I can't wait to show him this picture I drew of him, now where is it.. I thought then as I approach the hideout I saw a huge muscular man. 

He looks familiar, wait is that the guy who... No way.. My thoughts were interrupted by him speaking.

"Hey kid, I was hoping to scout out for people up here but I found exactly what I wanted. Now stand still and this won't hurt so bad." The man said as he prepared to charge me.

I froze. Terrified.

Help me. Save me please! Reject!  I thought as he charged me I shut my eyes preparing for impact.

It never came.

I opened my eyes to see Midoriya..Reject!

"Kota get behind me." Reject said, I did so.

How's he going to beat this guy?


What the hell is this thing. Disgusting. I thought as I pulled out a knife. 

"You think a little dagger will do the job? Look at me and look at you. Wait you're on Shigaraki's list. This is going to be fun!" The man said now smiling wickedly.

List? What list?  Then he charged me I grabbed Kota and jumped over him. 

"Don't dodge, you'll make me angry." The man said.

"Kota, run! Go back to campsite I promise I'll make it!" Kota froze.

Poor kid's in shock. 

"Kota hurry and g-" 

I was then slammed into a wall, my ears immediately ringing. I looked up to see the muscular man walking over slowly to Kota.

I can't let him die, he's a kid. He's scared. 

My ears stopped ringing for a second.

"Go away!" Kota yelled as he sprayed water out of his hands. My eyes widened.

I snapped.

"Pay attention to the threat." I said while smiling almost insanely, as I went behind him going for his throat slicing it. He immediately went limp falling with impact sending Kota flying off the cliff. I caught him though.

"Reject, you're covered In blood. You're hurt! Why did you do that for me?!" Kota yelled, I rolled my eyes.

"Hurry and get on my back, questions later. Let's take you back to camp." Kota then hopped on my back and I ran through the forest towards camp.

"LOOK!" Kota shouted pointing to someone running towards us, I got my knife out but realized it was Aizawa and put it back in my pocket.


"Midoriya..those injuries come back to the camp-" I interrupted Aizawa not letting him finish.

"Take Kota back to campsite please! I'll go and make sure everyone's ok!"

I then began to run off when Aizawa yelled my name.

"Calm down, come back to camp. I don't want to force you." I saw as Aizawa reach for his scarf, I got my knife out and threw it at Aizawa hitting his scarf leaving it stuck to a tree. I took advantage of that and ran off ignoring the protest of both Aizawa and Kota.

I can't sit around and do nothing Sensei. I need to go to Mandalay and tell her Kota's okay, wait even better I need to tell her to give a message out to everyone. I'm surely going to get in trouble but it's worth the risk. For my classmates.


"Damnit Midoriya! Get back here!" I yelled as he disappeared into the shadows of the forest. I pulled the knife out of the scarf and looked at the kid.

"Let's get you back to camp." I grabbed him and started heading back, we were approaching when I felt Kota tug on my shirt. I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you think he'll come back, I didn't even say thank you.."

Poor kid...

"I don't know, he's fairly injured, but he seems very dedicated. Make sure to give him more than a 'thank you' when he makes it back." The kid nodded tears built up in his eyes.

I entered the teaching area and set Kota down quickly as I saw another fake stitch boy. I slammed my foot against his head stomping on him till he turned to dust.

"No time to waste energy." I said.

"What's going on? Why'd you come back?" Vlad asked.

"We are under attack by villains, we don't know what their goal is. Reason I'm back..I ran into Midoriya and he told me to take Kota back to camp." I said while point towards Kota.

"We have to go help!" Kirishima said while standing up, others stood up with him.

"No, it's to risky. We don't even know who they're after, It could be one of you guys." I said.


Mandalay..In the name of me? Fine I'll take it, please make it future heroes. 

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