27- Home

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PREVIOUSLY (Warning a mentions of self criticism)

"All For One definitely gave Midoriya his quirk.." All Might says.

"Why would he help during the Overhaul attack though." I say. 

"Exactly, and why would he only be protecting Midoriya, why didn't he take over the boys body and go on a rampage?" Nezu says. 



"You will always be the same weakling from a few years ago."

"The quirk means nothing if you can't control it!"

"You don't deserve it."

"You're a danger to society. Traitor!"

"NO!" I shout, my vision is a bit blurry and there's a pain in my side.

"Midoriya lay down it's ok." 

"Recovery girl? What's going on what happened!" I realize my hands and legs are tied down to the hospital bed. I start slowly recalling the previous events.

"Midoriya stay put, I need to leave to tell Nezu you're awake." I nod and watch as she leave the room.

This is bad, I need to get out of here. I try to pull on the restraints but to no avail, it doesn't budge if anything it hurts me more. 

The pain in my body is unbearable, I didn't know the quirk would have such an affect on me.

I hear footsteps approaching my door, and watch as the door is opened to reveal Aizawa. I smile at him but he doesn't seem to do anything in response so I go back to my emotionless face.

"Get up." I get up, knowing he's very serious. On the way to who knows where, we don't talk. I realize very quickly this isn't going to end well for me. 

My hands are handcuffed and Aizawa's seriously mad. This isn't good, I can't really get out of this just have to see where this all goes. 

We reach the meeting room and upon opening the door I gasp. Hawks, Endeavor, All Might, Tsukauchi, Midnight, Present Mic, and Nezu. I am forced into a seat my hands being cuffed to the chair. I sigh and look around, everyones eyes are locked onto me. 

"Let get started Midoriya you will answer my questions, honestly." Tsukauchi says, I nod and put my head down avoiding eye contact. 

I feel like I've heard that one sentence a million times..


Midoriya..poor kid didn't ask for any of this. 

"Midoriya, the events that happened today you recall it yes?"

"Yes" Midoriya yes.


"Midoriya, do you know anything about your quirk."

"Yes, I've noticed that it isn't necessarily in my control. I am not sure what it's called but I know that it protects and helps me." 


I see a few shocked faces and few knowingly expressions. 

"I see, with this new founded quirk of yours were you ever planning on betraying us?" 



I smirk.

"Who IS in control of this quirk." a painful silence is brought upon us, then a scream blood curling scream from Midoriya.

"Nezu! Why would you do that!" I hear Aizawa yell, I am just as angry.

"We agreed he'd answer every question. He was hesitant." Nezu says clicking the button once again stopping the shocks.

"We only planned on doing that if he refused. He was simply hesitating, take it easy on him he's still a kid!" I shout towards Nezu. I walk towards Midoriya to make sure he's ok when I get close I see red stuff on his hands, my eyes widen.

"Midoriya listen to my voice..you're ok." I continue walking towards him, "I won't hurt you, trust me." 

I watch as Midoriya slowly lifts his head to see his eyes overflowing with tears, his eyes are red and glowing. I keep calm and continue towards him, I am eventually close enough to grab his hands.

"Midoriya, we aren't threats. I promise, we're taking safety precautions since you know who your power belong to." I see Midoriya calm down a bit he nods and I can't take it anymore I hug the kid. He seems to have needed it because he burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, I can't control it! I wish I could, you guys should just kill me it would make society safer, I don't want to be a threat the society! I want to help, I don't want this quirk!" I hear him shout as I rub circles on his back. Ignoring the protest I release the boys cuff and tell him to follow me out, thankfully he does so. 

"Won't the rest of the pros be mad. Where are we going? Why did you do that.." 

"Home." I say with a smile, I see the kids eyes light up.



It's been three months since that meeting, I was able to get rid of the quirk, I have never been happier. I was released from UA and don't have to attend school anymore due to my smarts, don't get me wrong I miss my friends but I believe they'll do just fine without me. I've gone back to patrolling, sometimes I even run into Aizawa. Lots of the civilians are glad I'm back on the streets patrolling, I've saved countless lives and plan on continuing doing so.

I put down my pencil, and close my diary. 

"You still have that diary Reject? It's been months." I hear a voice and smirk turning to see Aizawa. 

"Calm down Dadzawa, It's just something stupid nothing much." I say a bit embarrassed. 

"I wasn't making fun of it kid, lets just start patrolling." I nod with a smirk, I follow him jumping roof to roof.

This is me the quirkless vigilante, Reject. It took a lot to get to this point, ups and down twist and turns. But I made it, I hope you're proud of me mom.

"Oi problem child, stop daydreaming! I'll take the one in the alley over here, you take the ones over there." Aizawa says while pointing. 

I can never get a break..

"I bet I can these guys out before you can take that one." I say.

"YOUR ON!" Aizawa says rushing into the alley.

I'm so losing this bet, I regret nothing.

I quickly make me way into the alleyway taking out all three of the villains, the women being attacked seems like a fan I tell her to call the authorities and run off she does so. I hear a loud stomp behind me to see Aizawa.

"I won the bet, you owe me lunch." I chuckle at the request, continuing to tie the villains to the pole.

"Ok ok, I will." I then finish and start heading up the roof, I'm about to run when I hear a shout from the alley I look down to see one of the villains conscious again.

"WHO ARE YOU!" The villain shouts.

I chuckle.

"I'm Reject."


I'M SORRY IF THIS IS A BAD WAY TO END THIS BUT!!!!! THIS IS THE END, this was a fun book to write! Thank to the people who stayed till the end ;) 


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