5- Interrogation

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Inko was sitting in her cell room she had quirk restraints on so she couldn't use her quirk. Inko was worried, not for herself of course but for Midoriya. She heard her cell door open, she looked up to see Eraserhead. 

"Come on we don't have all day Moon, I'm tired."Inko got up silently and Eraserhead led her to Tsukauchi's interrogation room. With Tsukauchi and Nezu.

"Sit please Moon, I have plenty questions to ask." said Tsukauchi. Inko cooperated while Eraserhead when to the other side of the room.

"I'll be asking you questions, you will answer." said Tsukauchi. She just nodded, while piercing Tsukauchi with her gaze. She hated his quirk, Tsukauchi was a literal lie detector.   

"So you're Moon correct?" "Yes." Inko responded


"Have you killed anyone?" "No"


"Is your name by any change Inko?" Inko stayed silent. "Answer the question, make this easier on yourself." Tsukauchi said. "Yes."


"So you have a son named Izuku Midoriya, is he possibly the vigilante that escaped, Reject?" "No."


Tsukauchi got up from his seat and turned to Nezu, "We're done here, send an announcement to the news reporters saying to search for Reject, or Izuku Midoriya." 


Tsukauchi immediately turned back to Inko who smashed the she wore handcuffs, and pointed to Tsukauchi from the other side of the glass. Eraserhead erased her quirk. 

"That's my son, he won't get caught by you heroes, if anything you just gave him more of a reason to get stronger." Inko said. 

"He's quirkless isn't he? I doubt he'll put up a good fight." Tsukauchi said. 

"People like you are the reason he stopped wanting to be a hero!" Inko yelled while being dragged back to her cell. 

Silence as they watched her being dragged out.

"Don't underestimate that kid Tsukauchi, he was able to knock me out and paralyze Midnight. Just because someone doesn't have a quirk doesn't mean they're weak." Aizawa said as he walked out of the room. 



"HA catch me if you can old man!" I said while climbing up the side of a building teasing the villain by holding a bag of money which the villain had just stolen from the bank. 

I got bored and knocked him out swiftly, handcuffing the man and doing my signature which was writing on a villains forehead

 'Reject was here

I reported my location to the authorities and was about to run off when I remembered the bag in my hand. 

Shit I have to give this back, this is going to be rough. I thought as I looked at the bank which was now flooded with pro heroes even Tsukauchi was there examining the villain. 

I then walked casually towards the bank saying "Yo heroes here's the bag of money, might as well steal it since you all probably only became heroes for the money and fame." I said quite annoyed as I threw the bag at their feet. They didn't try and say anything to me, probably because I was right. 

I quickly ran into the shadows before anything bad could happen.

I have become one of the most well known vigilantes in Japan in just a year! Many heroes were terrified of me even though I never went after heroes. 

Probably just terrified by the riots my existence has caused, many quirkless people have been standing up for themselves after hearing about how I was quirkless and a strong vigilante. The quirkless began fighting against the quirked beings who look down upon them. They started riots, I even joined them, I like to call it...

'The Quirkless Era

As I was walking down an alley I heard something, or someone. I hid behind a trashcan, let me tell you that trashcan stunk. I heard a very raspy voice say "We are going to be attacking USJ tomorrow. Would you like to join us?" 

I recognized that voice, Shigaraki part of the L.O.V. Lets just say I know him because of a little run in I had with him.



Midoriya was walking in the alleyway heading back to the abandoned building he lived in, when he heard something behind him. A portal opened and out came a man with chapped lips and blue hair. 

I had to resist asking If I could help him by buying him chapstick.

"You're that vigilante Reject right? Or Midoriya." The blue haired male said in a raspy voice. "Yes, now get to the point I know you didn't come through a portal just to say hi to me." I said masking my slight fear since portals were a very rare quirk.

"My name is Tomura Shigaraki, leader of the League Of Villains." 

"League Of Villains? You do understand that I capture you guys like you and turn them in correct?" Midoriya said a bit dumbstruck. 

"Yes but you're not a hero. You're a vigilante, your mother also one but she was caught by those heroes wasn't she? Join us. We'll make them pay for the things that they did. Together."

"Listen no hard feelings but I don't want to be a villain, nor work with one. I'm a solo team, I'll do what I want to do alone, Thanks for the offer though now go back through that portal you came in from. I'll let you off easy. Shigaraki." I said.

I was proper annoyed it's 3 am which meant patrol was over but, I wouldn't hesitate, to add a few more minutes to my patrol hours just for him. 

"Listen kid, If you don't join I'll have to kill you because I didn't come out for nothing." Shigaraki said annoyed as well. "Looks like we'll have to fight then." I said getting into a stance. Shigaraki seemed shocked but still charged me. 

"Reaching for me hmm? I'm assuming somethings happens when you touch me huh?" I said while sidestepping him, and undercutting him. He flew backwards grabbing his jaw clearly upset. I then grabbed a trash bag and threw it at him. He grabbed it and when he did the whole thing disintegrated. 

"Nice quirk. Shiggy." I said while giggling. He then said "Kurogiri get me out of here, I'm done with this damn kid." A few seconds the same portal from earlier opened and Shigaraki disappeared.

"Shigaraki..you crusty bitch." I said while heading home.



I peeked around the trashcan just enough to see the two villains, Shigaraki and some random villain. I knew I should stop them, when I was about to intervene I heard the villain say "Yes, I would like to attend." "Good walk through this portal with me and we'll include you in the attack tomorrow." Shigaraki said.

 They left, I was a bit bummed I didn't capture them. I just made my way back to the rooftop I usually sit on during patrolling since I had only a few hours left.

USJ huh? wait, Isn't that a place where U.A students train? WAIT BAKUGOU! He attends U.A! dammit dammit! I need to stop this... Midoriya thought as he ran home.

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