24- Overhaul

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Yes, I want to save her, make me stronger. Please. 

The names All For One.

My eyes widen, I hear All For One laugh in my head then time seems to go back to normal.

I trust you All For One..

I won't betray that trust. Fight Midoriya.



I can just feel the power surging through my body, I look up at Eri, and decide that I should just punch the pillar. So I do it and the pillar goes to shatters, I watch as Eri and Overhaul fall. With incredible speed and jump height I grab Eri midair. I notice she's still holding Mirio's cape.

"I won't let you go Eri." I grip her tight, she does the same. 

"GIVE HER BACK!" I hear Overhaul shout, before sending spikes in my direction. I dodge easily though.

The momentarily power I've given you is merely based on adrenaline, and will power.

I continue dodging Overhaul while still listening to All For One.

Keep fighting like this and you'll lose both, face him stop avoiding him. 

I do as he says and I charge Overhaul with incredible speed getting ready to kick him, just as I'm about to he puts a stone wall in my way causing me to hit the wall instead of him. He then launches an attack from the back. I panic and end up propelling myself in the air with Eri. 

What happened! 

You panicked, you should be fine. This girl, Eri. Has the power to rewind anything, she should be healing you as you hold her.  

I slowly but surely land on the ground once again. I put Eri down and examine her head, she appears to have a small horn on her head. 

"Is this your power?" I ask, she doesn't answer she simply nods. I give her a genuine smile but before she can smile back a horrible pain goes through my body. 

"It's no use Midoriya!" I jolt at the voice then start to feel the ground shake so I immediately grab Eri and end up dodging more spikes I look to location of the voice, only to see a giant monster with Overhaul inside.

"It's no use Midoriya!" I jolt at the voice then start to feel the ground shake so I immediately grab Eri and end up dodging more spikes I look to location of the voice, only to see a giant monster with Overhaul inside

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My eyes widen and mouth drops, not with fear but with pure disgust.

what is THAT!

That's your battle. Go Midoriya, fight it.

"It's no use Midoriya, she's a curse and needs to be eliminated, give her to me." Overhaul says.

"Her quirk is not a curse, if anything it's a blessing." I say.

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