6- USJ

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Midoriya ran inside the abandoned house he lived in and quickly headed straight to his room grabbing his laptop. He opened it and searched.

U.A.HeroSchoolOfficial.com  (Not a real site lol)

He then went to administration searching for a specific teacher, he has been on this website plenty times before, only to see the students in each class and also looking into the heroes on school campus. 

"Bingo!" Midoriya said as he clicked on Shouta Aizawa or known as EraserHead, teacher of class 1A. He was the only hero he knew that teaches at U.A. He got his email and sent him a message with his own fake email. 

I know you are planning on going to USJ today, I was walking in an alley and I overheard a conversation between two villains saying they planned to attack USJ. So please either don't go or be prepared. Yours truly Reject~

I hope he reads that soon. Midoriya thought.


Ok I know I said soon, but not this soon. Midoriya thought. He looked at the message that was sent. 

Reject, I don't really know if that's you, but if it is I am positive that those villains won't be able to get in we have a strong security system, the students will be fine. I will have to block this email since I don't want spams incase you aren't Reject. Yours not so truly EraserHead~

No no no no!  Midoriya thought. 

He knew that those villains would be able to get in with Kurogiri. "DAMMIT!" Midoriya shouted as he slammed his laptop shut. 

Midoriya grabbed his phone to look at the time. It was 4 am.

What is a U.A. teacher doing up at 4 am. Midoriya thought. 

Midoriya got up from his desk and went to his bed and just laid there. 

"Should I just stay out of it, I mean I did try and warn them. No I should go and help since I know what's happening, but I'll be in lots of trouble if I get cornered, what if I am wrong and the security is good enough? how will I get in? Bakugou will be there what if he sees me? What will he thi-" Midoriya slapped his hand over his mouth.

Im muttering out loud again, ha an old habit. Midoriya thought.

Midoriya then slowly went to sleep not even bothering to change out of his vigilante outfit.


Midoriya woke up expecting it to be 6 am but when he looked at the time it was 12 pm. 

I slept in, well at least I got some sleep..WAIT USJ! Midoriya thought as he quickly ran out of his home towards USJ. He jumped roof to roof till he reached USJ he was on the glass part of USJ looking down. 

He was relieved to see nobody was there yet.

What if I am late?!  Thought Midoriya. Just then the USJ doors opened to reveal class 1A, pro hero 13, and EraserHead. They looked as if they were talking until a portal appeared in the middle of USJ.

I knew it. Midoriya thought as he broke the glass and jumped into USJ, landing on the ground. He ran towards the center of USJ where EraserHead already was. 

"I tried to warn you just to stay away!" Midoriya yelled at EraserHead as Midoriya was now taking on groups of criminals along side with EraserHead.

"Reject?! What the hell are you doing here!" Shigaraki screamed. "Stoping you, isn't that obvious?"  Shigaraki then laughed "You idiot, I didn't really want to have to hurt you I was hoping to have some sort of truce really."

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