25- Trouble

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"So you do have a soft spot for kids." Aizawa says while nudging my side, I give him a glare and walk off. A realization hits me as I get into my ambulance.

All For One, how are you able to communicate with me when you're imprisoned. 

That's a secret I'll never tell, seriously Midoriya don't tell them about me. All For One says, I put my hands up fake surrendering. I hear him chuckle, and so do I.



"You don't seem to have major injuries, just take it easy." My doctor says, I nod and realize ever since we've arrived at the hospital I haven't really seen anyone else.

"Wait, what about the others can you give info on them too." I say but just as he's about to speak the door opens.

"Midoriya follow me, I'll tell you everything." Aizawa says, I do as he says and follow him out my hospital room. 

"Mind telling me now?" Aizawa stays silent, I assume he wants to know about me. 

"The doctor said I was perfectly fine, just told me to take it easy." Aizawa nods at the response. 

"You were able to hold a girl who destroyed your body in the process, not a lot of people can say they can do that."

"Can I know now?" I say, already fed up with his stalling.

"Alright, alright. Rock Lock is fine, the knife wound luckily didn't strike any nerves. Kirishima fractured a few facial bones, nothing to bad though. Fat gum also suffered fractures but he's ok. Uraraka and Tsu both overworked themselves, I am ok the knife wound didn't hit anywhere serious." I question why he stopped.

"What about Nighteye?" He doesn't answer, my eyes widen with realization.

"He's not yet, but just go and take a look yourself." Aizawa opens a door to reveal many pro heroes in Nighteye's hospital room in tears. I listen to them ramble about how he can't be healed, it's upsetting. I walk over to Nighteye's bedside to see All Might standing there, I look at his heart monitor and It's at least stable.  

"Midoriya." Nighteye says, I jump at his voice and I put all my attention towards him. He grabs my hands and uses his quirk on me I don't even question it.

"All Might leave us alone for a bit." I watch as All Might leaves, he isn't in tears but he looks sad nonetheless. 

"Nighteye, I'm sorry this happened to you. It's all my fault I should be in your shoes!" I shout, already on the verge of tears. I feel him put his hand on my cheek.

"No, I chose this. I'm fine with this Midoriya I do have a question for you though." I nod as a sign for him to continue.

"Midoriya, All For One.He's in you, isn't he." Nighteye says sternly, my eyes widen giving me away. Nighteye chuckles.

"Midoriya don't betray the heroes, All For One if you can hear me thanks for helping us." I am now just listening Nighteye in pure shock.

All For One, how'd he know this.

When he grabbed your hand he probably looked into YOUR future from YOUR perspective.

I nod and put my attention onto Nighteye, his heart rate is dropping.

"Nighteye, thank you for everything. I promise I won't. Don't worry about that." I then give Nighteye a genuine smile and call the others back in. I walk out, I don't like witnessing people die in front of me.

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