20- Nighteye Agency

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I should probably leave. If he wakes up to me just staring at him, he'd think of me weirdly. I think as I start to walk out but pause, I turn back to Midoriya.

"Midoriya, I promise to help you see the light in life. Happiness." I say towards him, with that I leave his dorm with a smile.




I scream as the alarm wakes me up, causing me to fall off my bed. 

Fuck, well I'm glad I'm awake I wouldn't want to spend another second in that nightmare..wait I broke my alarm clock, don't tell me the school actually bought an alarm clock for my dumbass. I chuckle at my own thoughts and get dressed. 

As I am walking to class when I hear someone shout my name, surprisingly the shout doesn't hurt my ears as much. I turn to see Bakugou.

"What is it?" I ask, Bakugou grips my collar, I raise an eyebrow. "What is this enemies to lovers?" I chuckle as Bakugou lets go. He then walks to class.

What the hell was that about. I'll ask during lunch.

I head to class and surprisingly Aizawa is already there, I just head to my seat I feel everyones glares on me but no one says anything.

"Listen up, Midoriya has went through a ton recently. I won't be the one to tell you what happened when he was kidnapped but I will say this. He has gained a quirk that enhances his senses, he also has another quirk possibly but we have no idea what it is." Aizawa says, I feel everyones eyes on me but I refuse to look them in the eye. 

"I'm going to take a nap, don't wake me up. Catch up with each other or something" Aizawa gets into his sleeping bag an falls asleep.

Damn you Aizawa.. My thoughts are interrupted by hearing everyone get out of their chairs, I look over to see them coming to my desk.

"Midoriya, can we know what happened!"

"Midoriya what do I smell like!"

"How does your quirk work" 

I panic at all of the sudden questions and start to shake a bit before eventually just putting my head down on my desk shutting out all of the voices. 


My eyes widen I look up to see Bakugou shooing the others away, they quickly all go back to their desk. 

"Thank Bakugou." I say

"SHUT UP NERD! meet me during lunch we need to talk.." He whispers the last part in my ear almost threateningly. I nod and he turns back to his desk.

That was..something. 


I jump slightly at the loud noise, it weirdly didn't hurt much.

Guess I'm getting used to this new enhancement quickly. Oh right I have to go meet Bakugou, this isn't going to end well..

I walk out of the classroom door to immediately see Bakugou, he motions for me to follow him I do so he leads me to an empty corridor. 

"So what is it Bakugou? Also thanks for being apart of saving me." I say, I don't hear a response for a while then I hear a sniffle.

Is he crying?  I go to touch his shoulder but he immediately pulls away.

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