18- All For One

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My head starts getting really dizzy, I feel like I'm spinning. I then get a severe headache causing me to scream, my body starts to feel like it's on fire, my ears ring, my vision gets blurry, then I start coughing up blood. My head then gets lifted up.

"Hmmm..you'll live. Thank me later Midoriya." All For One says, letting go of my head letting it hit the ground.

With that my vision goes black.



I wake up in an empty room with a small lamp lighting up the room, I look around, behind me I find All For One I quickly jump away.

Did I die or something, because this seems like hell. Ok Seriously what happened I think to myself while staring at All For One.

"Sneaking up on me wasn't the kindest thing, to make up for it why don't you tell me where I am and why I am here?" I say.

"I helped you Midoriya." I furrowed my brows at bit annoyed he ignored me.

"Listen I don't have time for a monologue, tell me where I am and why I'm here."

"Maybe you'll get it now." All For One snaps his fingers causing an immense amount of pain to go through my body causing me to fall to my knees and scream. 

Memories of mine flash through my mind only making the pain more extreme, I look up towards All For One despite the pain and he's reaching down for me, his eyes once again mesmerizing me. His hand then reaches my face causing all the pain to go away.

"Midoriya. Take this as a gift, I thank you for proving society wrong on the quirkless."  

Then start to feel something entering my face coming from his hand, it hurts but I don't scream, I just stare at his eyes slowly forgetting everything. I then start closing my eyes but am stopped when All For One removes his hand from my face, I look at him and he's becoming transparent.

"Looks like my time is coming to an end, I didn't get to erase your memory but I did give you the quirk. Farewell Midoriya." 

In a blink of an eye I am all of sudden laying down in a bed facing a bright light in the ceiling.

Hospital. I call it. I sit up and chuckle as I am faced with a hospital room.

What a weird nightmare. No it couldn't have been a nightmare it seemed to realistic with the events happening, If it's true what's my quirk and how will I know what it- I slam my hands against my mouth realizing I was mumbling, but also because of the fact I heard nearby voices.

"Midoriya is awake."

"Can we see him!" 

"Is he in good condition!?" 

"Quiet, let her talk!"

"I thought you said he'd be in a coma it's only been a day!" 

"He was meant to be, but he isn't we don't know the reason but lets not complain. Of course you can see him come, follow me."

If it's true he gave me a quirk, he must've given me a hearing enhancement quirk since I felt I heard their voice so clearly almost as if they were in this room. My thoughts are interrupted by the door knob turning and people entering the room, A nurse, Shoto, Bakugou, Kirishima, Momo, Iida, and Aizawa.

"Midoriya, how do you know who we are?" Aizawa ask.

"Duh." My response causes the nurses eyes to widen, I raise an eyebrow at her.

"You were meant to have severe memory loss once you woke up. It's a miracle!" The nurse says enthusiastically.

"You idiot! Why'd you do that for me!" Bakugou shouts, the shout surprisingly hurts my ears I cover them quickly.

"Don't yell, also Sensei can I talk to you alone." I say, still covering my ears.

"Of course Midoriya, I would also like to invite All Might, Nezu and Tsukauchi." I nod.

I said alone, but whatever.

"I may also have to stay in the room just incase anything were to happen." I just roll my eyes.

Everyone but Aizawa and the nurse exit the room, we're just waiting for the others to arrive. Some time later they arrive. 

"Young Midoriya! I'm glad you're ok!" All Might says he's in his skeleton looking form which concerns me making my eyes go wide.

"You haven't been informed? I'll do the honors." All Mights says I nod.

"After All For One teleported everyone out of our grasp. I made my way to the Nomu facility they had, low and behold you were all there upon arrival I saw you unconscious. I fought All For One for a while before your classmates intervened getting you out of that area to this hospital. All For One got the other villains out of the way so we fought alone, I ended up winning but my true identity was revealed." 

I sat there still trying to process everything that was just said, with a little bit of help I was finally able to understand everything.

"Sorry to interrupt but I say this to the teachers, Midoriya may not want to be asked questions so suddenly after just getting out of a traumatic event." The nurse says. "It's fine, I appreciate the thought but I'll be fine." I say.

"When I entered the room young Midoriya you were strapped to a table with burn marks and scars. What did they do to you?" All Might said suddenly, saying this earned a hit with a cane from the nurse.

"Well they tortured me, I have no idea why but I think it was a test fo-" I stopped.

Do I really want to tell them? What if they think wrongly of me..

"You were saying?" All Might said, I jumped at his words looking around at everyone I saw their eyes locked onto mine.

"It was a test for an injection to see if I was able to handle it. I was indeed injected with it but I have no idea what it did to me."

"Lie, you do know." I turn my head to see Tsukauchi.

Lie detector man.

"Midoriya, what did it do." Nezu asked sternly surprising many people in the room including myself, I'd be lying if I said I was terrified at everyones glares. I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Once I was injected I passed out, then I had a nightmare where I was in a room alone with All For One he said something like 'Thank you for proving society wrong on the quirkless' then he said something like 'My time is running out take this quirk as a my gift.' then I woke up." 

Everyone in the room stared at me with wide eyes. They looked as if they wanted to jump me.

"Midoriya. Do you know what the quirk is."  Aizawa said as he stood up. 

"Well, I believe it's simply hearing enhancement." All Might gasped I turned to him to see he was reaching for me, I jump out of my bed

"Midoriya calm down I want to see your neck, the burn it's gone!" My eyes go wide and I run into the bathroom locking the door. Ignore the banging on the bathroom door, I look in the mirror to see a huge red scar where the burn mark was, I look on my wrist to see red scars there too.

"What did you do to me All For One.."

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