9- Trouble

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I charged the Hero Killer jumping from wall to wall, he noticed me but by then it was to late. I kicked him off Iida who was stabbed in the shoulder. 

"You ok? Have an Idea of what this guys quirk is?" I asked Iida. "Why are you here Midoriya! This is none of your business!" 

"That's not what I asked engine boy!" I yelled. 

"Reject, he's right you really shouldn't get involved, these are fake heroes. Unless you wanna die along with them I suggest you leave." Hero Killer said as he stood up. "No can do." I said 

"Just know I warned you." Hero Killer said as he threw a knife towards me, I was able to dodge it but he had even more knives. This went on for a while me dodging knives and Iida screaming at me to leave. 

Then he hit me, the knife grazed me but it did indeed draw blood. Hero Killer jumped over me and grabbed the knife that had just grazed me and licked the blood, making me collapse. 

What the hell, what happening I can't move, It must be his quirk. I thought as I watched Hero Killer walk towards Iida. "Now you can watch as I slowly kill these fake heroes, then you're next." 

Hero killer said as he was about to stab Iida once again 

"Fight back Iida!" I yelled, just then flames Shoto Todoroki.

"You should've been more specific on how urgent this was. I almost didn't come on time." Shoto said.

 "No, Why are you both here! This isn't how it was supposed to go! You're going to get hurt!" Iida screamed. 

"Stand up if you don't want us to get hurt so bad." Shoto said, that seemed to shut Iida up.

"Don't let this guy draw your blood, he can paralyze someone by licking it, not sure how long it last." I said to Shoto. 

"Thank for th-" Shoto was then grazed by a knife on his fire side. 

The one thing I tell you not to do. I thought as Hero Killer moved towards Shoto but he was quick and lit his flames. I then all of a sudden felt my legs again.

"His quirk..I believe it has to do with your blood type." I said as I stood up. 

"Correct." Hero Killer said as he ran past me at the speed of light towards Shoto with a Katana like weapon he was about to hit him when Iida kicked him back to where I was.

"Midoriya!" Shoto yelled as a warning as he shot his flames towards me and the Hero Killer. I dogged the flames, but so did the Hero Killer. 

We both fought hand to hand combat for a while then he took a knife a slashed my back unexpectedly, then shortly after paralyzing me. 

That's gonna leave a mark..

I was becoming dizzy, losing blood at a rapid speed. I saw as Iida knives thrown in his shoulder by protecting Shoto. Shoto was shouting something towards me but I couldn't hear a word with the loud ringing in my ears. 

I can't let them die, I can't I can't and I won't, I thought as I stood up and took advantage of the blind spot Hero Killer had, from behind I kicked the man with all I had, his head hitting the wall and him falling unconscious.

Shoto and Iida came running towards me, my ears stopped ringing, I felt Shoto touch my back where to wound was and beginning to freeze it but I pushed him away. 

"Stop, I'm gonna freeze your wound so you don't loose anymore blood. Iida hold him." Shoto said.

I struggled against Iida but eventually let Shoto freeze my back. We were walking out of the alley when I saw a bunch of pro heroes walking towards us.

"Please don't tell them I was here, keep this a secret." I winked at Iida and Shoto and ran, I heard the protest as I ran but I knew if I got caught I would be in lots of trouble.  


Midoriya successfully made it back to his dorm room he changed out of his vigilante outfit, took a shower, and stitched his wound. he got injured a bunch when he first started out as a vigilante so he knew how to do it properly.

I seriously hope those two don't rat me out. Midoriya thought as he drifted to sleep.


The sound of Midoriya's door banging woke him up with a jolt, he must've gotten up to fast because he felt his wound reopen. 

Shit, you've got to be kidding me. Midoriya thought "Give me a minute!" Midoriya yelled as he bandaged his wound quickly and opened the door.

Tenya Iida stood at his door along with Shoto Todoroki. Midoriya looked at his watch it was an hour before school was meant to start, Midoriya sighed "Come in." 

"So about yesterday, I'm sorry you had to get involved." Iida said as he put his head down in shame, I waved his apology off. 

"We didn't say you were involved if you were wondering, but two pro heroes did see you leave the scene,  fortunately weren't able to identify you. Unfortunately Tsukauchi asked about if we knew who you were and we said no, but knowing his quirk he probably knew we lied."   Shoto said. 

"That's not good, I'll figure it out. Thanks I owe you guys." 

"How's your wound?" Iida said. "It's alright, I may or may not have reopened the wound but I can just restitch it. If you both wouldn't mind leaving so I can do that." They both nodded and walked out the door 

"See you in class Midoriya, again thank you." Iida said.

Midoriya undid the bandages and restitched his wound, changed into his uniform and headed to class.


I walked into class and classmates were surrounding Shoto and Iida at their desk asking them questions. 

"Was the Hero Killer hard to fight?"

"Who was the person who helped you guys?"

"How bad were your injuries!"

Ha, good luck to them. I thought as I sat down in my seat. Aizawa walked in shortly after and scared everyone into sitting in their seats. All day, all I heard about was. 'Hero Killer this' and 'Hero Killer that.' It was quite obnoxious. 


YES! Midoriya thought as he grabbed his bag.

"Midoriya, report to principal Nezu office with me."

Oh crap. I thought as I exited the class room with Aizawa walking behind me towards Nezu's office, on the way their I saw Shoto and Iida, I gave them a glare. AIzawa indeed noticed this but the two just looked confused and concerned. 

Maybe they didn't do it. I thought. Me and Aizawa reached Nezu's door I opened it to see Tsukauchi and Nezu. 

Oh this is bad.. I thought.

"Sit Midoriya we have lots to discuss.

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